Diabetics all over the world face several problems. It is not limited to damage to the heart, brain, or legs but there is another lesser-known impact of it, which is termed as 'Diabetes skin'. People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are the ones who are usually at risk for this condition.
Since diabetes can affect our nerves as well as blood vessels, we see changes in our skin as a result. If you observe these changes in your skin, it could be an early symptom of diabetes.
In this article, we will discuss more about diabetes skin, the symptoms and the treatments.
Diabetes skin: Understanding its symptoms

Another term for diabetes skin can also be diabetes-related dermopathy. This condition is more relevant for people with an age of more than 50 who have a history of diabetes.
The symptoms of diabetes-related dermopathy are not much. They are not usually the kind where you get itching or pain in the spots formed. The color of the same is usually pinkish or reddish in color.
Another common symptom of this condition is that it is bilateral which means it can appear on both sides of your hands or legs. Moreover, these spots are usually scaly and round or oval in shape.
Do we know the cause of Diabetes skin?

While the exact cause of this condition is not known, there have been significant speculations about it. The problems related to diabetes like nephropathy, retinopathy or neuropathy can be the causes of this skin condition.
Further, many experts believe that this could also be the consequence of prior injury to the skin along with the above complications. Other than dermopathy, diabetes skin can also be caused by several other skin conditions.
Acanthosis nigricans

It manifests through dark patches in the skin, especially in the body creases like neck or armpits. This condition is usually caused due to insulin resistance in the body. To treat this condition, it is advisable to tackle insulin resistance first. This could easily be treated by being more active and losing weight.
Necrobiosis lipoidica

This condition has yellow or brown patches in the skin. These usually grow larger with time and may become bumpy as well as hard. It is more common in women and usually appears due to changes in fat and collagen in the body. The symptoms can be reduced with topical creams. It is better to get medical assistance as there is no cure for this.
More types of skin conditions can be caused due to diabetes such as digital sclerosis or eruptive xanthomatosis. People with diabetes are also more at risk of getting bacterial or fungal infections. To treat this, all you have to do is stick to the basics - that is maintain your blood sugar levels and be active.
How can diabetes skin can be treated and prevented?

To treat these changes in your skin, the best way is to be aware of your health. Make sure you get an appointment and maintain your blood sugar levels. Regular exercising and a healthy diet are also crucial for the same.
To manage the skin changes, here are the steps you need to follow.
- Moisturize your skin every day.
- Use a cleanser that is gentle to your skin and does not cause irritation to it.
- Make sure you dry your entire body, especially the areas where there is a touch between the skin.
- If you have a skin or nail infection, make sure you get it treated.
- Treat cuts and wounds with ointment recommended by the doctor.
Diabetes skin-related problems can be a common problem but are not talked about much. They are usually the consequence of diabetes and can be treated with proper diet, medications, and regular exercise.