Balance board exercises are fun, challenging and a great way to work the core muscles.
They're also important for strengthening the muscles you need for balance and stability, which is important for just about everything you do in life. Whether you have an injury or not, anybody can use a balance board to improve their core strength.
Best Balance Board Exercises
Here are five moves you can try for your next workout session:
1) Balance Board Tilt
Balance board exercises start in a basic stance with both feet shoulder-width apart on the board. Weight should be evenly distributed through your feet as you perform the exercise.
To do this exercise well, you should move in a controlled way. First, tilt forward and back. Next, turn from side to side. Finally, move in a circle in one direction and then to the other. It's better to hang onto something solid and have control when you do this exercise than to flail about and hurt yourself or someone else.
2) Balance Board Squat
Balancing on a board while squatting can give you the strength and stability you need to drop low without fear of falling over. You can start with a shallow movement, focusing on form with your chest up and butt out. As you get stronger, go lower and lower in this balance board exercise.
3) Balance Board Plank
Once you get the hang of it, you will love this balance board exercise. To do it, start in a plank position with your forearms or hands resting on the balance board. To avoid injury, make sure the shoulders are in line with your wrists. If you wish to, it's also completely acceptable to start with your knees on the floor.
4) Balance Lunge
Here’s a fun balance board exercise you can add to your routine. It might be more challenging than it looks, but the more challenging exercises are usually the most rewarding, as they give the body a better sense of balance and therefore better posture, which can really show in your everyday movements.
To do it, stand with your feet together facing the board. Step forward, and place one foot on the board. Make sure to keep your weight distributed slightly forward, so that the board stays in place under your front foot on the balance board. Bend both knees, and lower yourself into a lunge before returning to standing.
5) Glute Bridge
To do this exercise, start by lying on your back with your arms down at your sides, legs bent, and feet flat on the floor.
Position the balance board under your feet, and breathe out as you squeeze your glutes to lift your pelvis to the ceiling. At the same time, stabilize your foot stance by using your core musculature and core stability.
Balance board exercises are a great way to increase core strength, not just for the abdominals but also for other muscles in the body.
Whether you're an athlete, weekend warrior, or just want to feel stronger and more in control of your body, balance board exercises are perfect for strengthening the muscles needed for balance and stability, which is important for just about everything you do in life.
You can do these exercises at home with a balance board, at the gym with a balance ball, or even on the beach if you find a soft place to land.