Stretches for groin pain are essential for athletes, especially soccer players. Groin pain can range from minor to severe and can affect both male and female athletes.
If you think that you've been injured in your groins, it's important to rest the area completely for a few days before trying any stretches or exercises so it has time to heal properly.
When performed correctly and consistently over time, groin strain stretches can help improve flexibility and reduce pain associated with groin injuries. Below are the top five stretches for groin pain:
Groin Strain Stretches to Try

Do five repetitions of these five stretch with each leg daily till you feel relief from pain or discomfort in your groin area. Let's get started:
#1 Spiderman stretch
The spiderman stretch is a simple exercise you can do at home to relieve groin pain.
To do this stretch for groin:
- Stand with your feet together, and cross one leg over the other so that the ankles touch.
- Lean forward till you feel a stretch in the front of the hip muscles (you will know it when you feel it).
- Hold this position for 30 seconds on each side before switching legs and repeating for another 30 seconds on each side again to complete one set.
- Do three sets per day if possible; otherwise once every few hours should be enough to help relieve any groin pain from sitting too long or exercising too vigorously without proper recovery time between workouts.
#2 Groin stretch
The groin stretch is an effective way to stretch the muscles in the groin.
To perform this stretch for groin:
- Lie down on your back with one leg bent and the other straight out in front of you.
- Place a towel or foam roller under the arch of your foot for support if needed.
- Bring both knees towards each other (you may want to grab them with both hands).
- You should feel a gentle pull along the inner thigh and groin areas as well as around the hip bones.
- Hold for 30 seconds before switching sides.
- Repeat three times per side.
#3 Hip flexor stretch

The hip flexors are a group of muscles that connect the front of the pelvis to the thighbones. They're responsible for bending and rotating your legs, so they're pretty important.
If you experience groin pain in addition to lower back pain, chances are good that you have tight hip flexors--and this stretch can help loosen them up.
To do this stretch for groin:
- Start in a lunge position with one foot forward (about two feet away from a wall).
- The back leg should be bent at 90 degrees and knee pointed down towards the floor as shown above if that difficult for people who don't have much flexibility or strength in their quads.
- Feel free to use two chairs instead of one wall behind them for support till the body becomes more accustomed to the pose over time.
- Push your hips back toward wall behind you so that the thighs are parallel with floor.
- Hold for 30 seconds per side, and repeat 3-5 times on each side before moving on to another exercise!
#4 Kneeling hip opener stretch

This is a great stretch for opening the hips and groin area. It's also a good way to help improve flexibility in this area, which can be helpful if you have groin pain from tightness or injury.
To do this stretch:
- Kneel on all fours with your hands under the shoulders and knees under the hips.
- Lift one foot off the floor with the toes pointing up towards the sky (or as far as they can go).
- Straighten that leg till it's parallel with floor. Drop it down so that both legs are straightened out (you should feel a gentle stretching sensation).
- You may want to use something soft like a pillow or blanket under each knee if needed for comfort during this pose.
- Hold there for at least 30 seconds before switching sides.
- Repeat three times per side daily till full recovery has been made.
#5 Standing lunge hip flexor stretch
The standing lunge hip flexor stretch is a great stretch for the groin and hip muscles. The exercise can be done anywhere, but it's best if you have a wall or pole for support.
To do this stretch:
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, and place one hand on the wall in front of you for balance.
- Bend one knee up towards your chest, keeping both feet flat on the ground.
- Lower yourself down till there's tension in the hamstrings (the back of your thigh).
- Hold the position for 30 seconds before switching sides and repeating again for each leg
It's possible to recover from groin strain with stretches for groin pain
A groin strain is an injury that occurs when the adductor muscles are stretched too far. That can happen if you're playing sports or doing other physical activities, and it's especially common in athletes who play soccer or basketball.
Stretches for groin can be painful and frustrating, but there are steps you can take to recover from them faster and prevent them from happening again in the future. Stretching is one of those important steps, and there are several different types of stretches that can help ease your pain while also improving flexibility so that you're less likely to get hurt again.