There are bodybuilders who admitted to taking steroids. However, that’s not uncommon, as bodybuilders are known to take steroids to get into their desired physique and hold onto that mass for a considerable period.
While steroids are legally available if medically prescribed, more often than not, the use of steroids is not recommended. Side effects of steroids are well known, and they can take a toll on the body and health of bodybuilders.
Do you know the bodybuilders who admitted to taking steroids?
The following are the names of five well-known and legendary bodybuilders who admitted to taking steroids. However, given their record and career in the sport, it’s understandable why they opted to inject juice.
Ronnie Coleman

Ronnie Coleman won the Mr. Olympia eight times and is one of the legendary names in the industry. There's seldom anyone in the fitness industry who doesn’t know Coleman.
Of course, no one quite admits to taking steroids, and for Coleman, it was more difficult, as he served in the police force too. Finally, Coleman admitted to using ‘strange vitamins’. Nevertheless, Coleman remains one of the best bodybuilders to have walked the Mr. Olympia stage.
Dorian Yates

Six-time Mr. Olympia winner Dorian Yates is one of the few bodybuilders who admitted to taking steroids openly. He didn’t shy away from this part of the bodybuilding industry and even wrote about it.
Even after that confession, Yates continued to be one of the fan favorites. His determination and hard work at the gym was evidence that he was a bodybuilder in every sense of the word.
Jay Cutler

Jay Cutler secured the Mr. Olympia title four times during his career. During his bodybuilding years, Cutler maintained a monster physique. As a result, there were suspicions of him using steroids.
The four-time Mr. Olympia admitted that he did use steroids from time to time, but it was in cycles. The primary reason was to get a final edge over his competition, but then again, it would never have worked without his extensive hard work and high-protein diet.
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger brought bodybuilding as a sport under the limelight. Fortunately for him, during the golden and silver era of bodybuilding, steroids weren’t illegal. They were available rather openly, and most bodybuilders used the juice.
As such, Schwarzenegger revealing that he took steroids wasn’t a huge shock, but then again, the amount he took was negligible compared to others. In fact, he took steroids only to keep his muscle mass maintained when he was getting ready for competition and had to cut massively.
Flex Wheeler

Flex Wheeler was the whole package. He had the physique of a bodybuilder with the perfect measurements. His arms, waist, back, everything was perfect.
However, he did take steroids during his career. Unfortunately, he started suffering health complications due to a kidney disease and even had to have his leg amputated for the same. Even now, Wheeler relies on medication to keep his health issues at bay.
Current era bodybuilders such as Nick Walker, Chris Bumstead, Big Ramy, Hunter Labrada, and others may or may not be using steroids to develop their massive physique.
While some have revealed being on cycles, no one has particularly spoken about steroids, and as that's illegal in most places, most wouldn’t either. However, if one is not a part of the bodybuilding industry, it’s not recommended that they try steroids at all, especially if they have any medical conditions.
It’s not a substance to be taken lightly, and bodybuilders themselves do not advocate the use of steroids. Other supplements such as protein powders, creatine, glutamine, and BCAA are widely used by most in the fitness industry and are approved by the required boards for mass consumption.