If you're looking for some great leg press alternative exercises, look no further. Just like the standard leg press, these alternatives are compound movements that train the same muscle groups. While some alternative exercises require free weights like dumbbell, others can be easily done at home without any weight.
The leg press is an effective lower body resistance training exercise that strengthens the entire leg. A standard leg press is performed by pushing the legs against the weight on the leg press machine.
Like other strength training exercises, the leg press helps develop stronger lower body muscles and reduces risk of injuries.
Best leg press alternatives
Here are the top five leg press substitute exercises you can add to your workout routine:
#1 Dumbbell front squat

The dumbbell front squat is an excellent leg press alternative exercise. Although the exercise might seem easy, you need to perform it with proper form to attain its benefits.
Additionally, this leg press alternative with dumbbells requires plenty of core and upper back strength. The dumbbell front squat trains the upper back, quadriceps, glutes and anterior core muscles and also puts less stress on the spine compared to the back squat.
To do the exercise:
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand by the sides, and position your feet at shoulder-width distance.
- Keeping the back straight and core muscles tight, curl the dumbbells to the front while squatting down to your preferred squat depth.
- Come back up by pressing your feet to the floor and locking out the glutes.
- Repeat the exercise.
#2 Hack squat
Another great leg press alternative exercise is the hack squat. It's a close leg press substitute that targets the same muscles as the standard leg press.
To do the exercise:
- Step on the hack squat platform, and make sure the shoulders rest on the shoulder pads.
- Grab the handles alongside the shoulders, and position your feet into a standard squat stance.
- Stand up slowly while pushing the pads and disengaging the stopper.
- Slowly squat down by bending at the knees. Push the platform away as you stand back up.
- Re-engage the stopper, and continue the exercise for the desired number of reps.
#3 Bridge

The bridge is also an amazing leg press alternative that can be done without any machine or equipment. This exercise strengthens the core, glutes, quadriceps, thighs and hamstrings, and offers similar benefits like a standard leg press on a machine.
To do the exercise:
- Lie on your back on a flat surface or mat.
- Bend the knees, and keep the feet flat on the floor or on top of a bench or exercise ball. Position your hands by the sides, keeping the palms down.
- Engage the core muscles and buttocks, and slowly raise your hips as high as you can.
- Pause at the top, and lower your hips to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise.
#4 Bulgarian split squat
The Bulgarian split squat is also a very effective leg press alternative that targets and strengthens one leg at a time.
Bulgarian split squats, just like leg press, is a compound exercise that puts additional focus on the quads along with other muscles of the leg.
To do the exercise:
- Stand straight with your back against an exercise bench or chair.
- Rest one foot on top of the platform. The other leg should be straight in the front in a stable stance.
- Bend your knee, and lower into a squat while allowing the back knee to drop along the rest of the body.
- Once the front thigh gets relatively parallel to the floor, push through your heel, and return to the starting position. Complete a few reps, and switch sides.
#5 Lunge

Lunges are a productive leg press machine alternative that targets the entire leg without putting pressure on your spine. This exercise primarily targets the glutes and quadriceps while also engaging the core muscles.
To do the exercise:
- Stand upright with your feet at hip-width distance. Position your hands on the sides, or you can even hold a dumbbell to increase the intensity.
- Step your right foot forward, and push your hips down while bending the knees at 90 degrees. Continue to lower till the right thigh gets parallel to the floor.
- Slowly push into your right leg, and return to the standing position.
- Continue for a few reps, and do the exercise with your left leg in front.
So, these were some of the best and most effective alternatives to leg press. Regular practice of these leg press machine alternatives can strengthen the entire lower body while also stabilizing the core.
Before you start these exercises, though, remember to warm up to activate your muscles and prevent injuries.