5 habits that are damaging your hair during workouts: How to keep your locks healthy

Habits That Are Damaging Your Hair During Workouts (Image via pexels)
Damaging hair habits during workouts (Image via Pexels)

If you're an active person who loves to work out, it's essential to maintain healthy hair.

At times, habits that seem harmless can be damaging your hair. In this article, we discuss a few habits that can harm your hair during workouts and what you can do to prevent damage.

Habits that can harm your hair during workouts

Here are five habits you should look to discard to avoid harm to your hair during exercise.

1) Wearing tight ponytails or braids

For healthy hair during workouts, try not to do tight pony or braid. (Image via Pexels)
For healthy hair during workouts, try not to do tight pony or braid. (Image via Pexels)

One of the most common mistakes people make during workouts is wearing tight ponytails or braids.

Although it might seem like a good idea to keep your hair out of your face, pulling the hair back too tightly can cause tension and breakage. Over time, that can lead to hair loss and damage to the hairline.

Instead of a tight ponytail or braid, try a looser style like a low bun or a loose braid. You can also use a headband or hair tie that won't pull your hair too tightly. By avoiding tension, you can keep your hair healthy and avoid damage.

2) Skipping shower after workout

Not showering after exercise should be avoided.. (Image via Pexels)
Not showering after exercise should be avoided.. (Image via Pexels)

After a workout, it's tempting to skip the shower and go about your day. However, that can be damaging to your hair. Sweat can build up on the scalp, leading to clogged pores and dandruff. Additionally, the salt in sweat can dry out your hair and cause breakage.

To avoid these issues, make sure to shower after every workout. If you don't have time to wash your hair, use a dry shampoo or co-wash to refresh your scalp and hair. That will help remove any sweat or dirt and keep your hair healthy.

3) Over-Shampooing your hair

Shampooing your hair is important to remove dirt and buildu-p, but over-shampooing can be damaging to your hair.

When you shampoo your hair too often, it can strip hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage. Additionally, shampooing too often can cause your hair to become greasy more quickly, leading to even more shampooing.

Instead of shampooing every day, try to shampoo every other day or every few days. You can also try using a gentle shampoo or co-wash to avoid stripping your hair of its natural oils. By limiting your shampooing, you can keep your hair healthy and prevent damage.

4) Using heat styling tools too often

Overshampooing, is best avoided. (Image via Pexels)
Overshampooing, is best avoided. (Image via Pexels)

If you love to use heat styling tools like flat irons or curling wands, you might be damaging your hair. Heat styling can cause your hair to become dry and brittle, leading to breakage and split ends. Additionally, using heat styling tools too often can cause your hair to become frizzy and unmanageable.

To avoid damage, try limiting your use of heat styling tools. If you must use them, use a heat protectant spray or serum to protect your hair. Additionally, try using lower heat settings and limiting the amount of time you use the tool. By avoiding excessive heat, you can keep your hair healthy and prevent damage.

5) Not using right hair accessories

Using too much heat tools is not good for hair (Image via Pexels)
Using too much heat tools is not good for hair (Image via Pexels)

Lastly, using the wrong hair accessories can be damaging to your hair during workouts. Some hair accessories, like metal barrettes or tight headbands, can cause breakage and damage to your hair. Additionally, using the wrong hair tie can cause tension and breakage, leading to hair loss and damage.

Instead of using damaging accessories, try using gentle hair ties and accessories made from soft materials like cotton or silk. You can also try using scrunchies or headbands that won't pull or tug on your hair. By using the right accessories, you can keep your hair healthy and prevent damage.

Take care of hair during workouts. (Image via Pexels)
Take care of hair during workouts. (Image via Pexels)

There are several habits that can be damaging to your hair during workouts.

By following the aforementioned tips to take care of hair during workouts, you can keep your hair healthy and prevent damage. It's important to remember that healthy hair starts from the inside out. Make sure you're eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep to promote hair health.

Apart from these habits, there are also some other things you can do to maintain healthy hair during workouts. For example, try using a detangler or leave-in conditioner before you start your workout. That can help prevent tangles and keep your hair hydrated.

You can also try using a hair mask once a week to nourish and moisturize your hair. Look for masks that contain ingredients like avocado oil, coconut oil or shea butter, which can help strengthen and protect your hair.

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