Warming-up exercises, also called pre-workout stretches, offer a plethora of benefits. These exercises help the body get ready for more intense activity and also make it easier for you to exercise. When done correctly and consistently before workouts, warm-up stretches lower risk of injuries and improve overall athletic performance.
Warming-up exercises increase flexibility, so you can move your body without any pain and provide a better range of motion to move your joints too. Moreover, they loosen up tight muscles and prevent soreness and muscle tension after a workout. Failing to do warming-up exercises before a workout can increase risk of injury and put more pressure on the muscles.
Warming-up exercises to do before a workout
Here are the five best stretches to do before working out:
#1 Plank
Planks are one of the best warming-up exercises to activate the core and back muscles. It also improves posture and balance and helps keep the lower back protected too. Doing a few reps of planks can prepare the muscles for more advanced variations like the side plank and forearm plank.
To do a plank:
- Start in a push-up position with your arms fully extended, wrists directly under the shoulders and legs extended behind. If you're a newbie, you can start on your knees.
- Keep your toes and palms pressed firmly on the floor and back muscles straight. Engage your core throughout the move, and do not allow your back or head to sag downwards.
- Hold the position for as long as you can, and repeat for the desired number of reps.
#2 Inchworm
The inchworm exercise is among the great pre-workout warm-up exercises that gently stretch the back side of the body and strengthen the front too. It's a full body pre-workout stretch that targets the stabilizing muscles in the hips, quadriceps, glutes, shoulders, and core.
To do an inchworm:
- Stand straight and upright with your feet together. Hinge from your hips, and bend down to touch the floor with your fingertips.
- Walk your hands forward as far as you can go without letting the hips bend. As you do that, you will get into a plank position with your hands extended in the front and legs extended behind.
- Slowly walk your hands back towards your feet, and straighten back to the straight position.
- Repeat the exercise.
#3 Bodyweight squat
Squats are one of the best warming-up exercises that work on different muscle groups at once. That includes glutes, hamstrings, core, and quadriceps.
To do a bodyweight squat:
- Stand upright, and position your feet at a hip distance. Keep your hands on the sides, and turn your toes forward.
- Engage the core muscles, and keep the back straight as you bend your knees and lower your hips towards the floor.
- Lower yourself till the thighs get parallel to the floor. Pause at the bottom, and slowly press back up through your feet.
- Repeat the exercise for the desired number of reps.
#4 Knee lift
Knee lifts are among some great lower body warming-up exercises that increase heart rate and also boost blood circulation. You can either do this exercise speedily or reduce the intensity by performing it at a walking pace.
To do a knee lift:
- Start in a straight standing position with feet slightly wider than hip distance. Place your hands behind your head.
- Lift your right leg up towards your body while bending the knee.
- Return your leg to the starting position, and repeat the exercise with your left leg. Continue for a few seconds.
#5 Side lunge
One of the best warming-up exercises for the legs, lunges strengthen the hips, glutes, and other major lower body muscles. If you're a beginner, you can start with half lunges before gradually progressing to the full version.
To do a side lunge:
- Stand tall with your feet at hip-width distance, and place your hands on your waist.
- Press into your left foot, and simultaneously step your right foot to your right. Squat down while bending your right leg and keeping the left leg straight.
- Pause at the bottom with your right knee over your toes, and return your right foot back to the starting position.
- Complete a few reps more before switching sides.
Warm-up for workouts are a crucial part of any fitness routine. Whether you're starting with cardio, strength training or any other form of physical activity, warming-up exercises get the muscles activated and prepare them for the strenuous session ahead.
So, even if you're short on time, always remember to start your workout routine with a few pre-workout stretches or exercises like the aforementioned ones.