In the 80s and 90s, life was much simpler; as there was no internet, mobile phones and extravagant electronic devices. Kids used to go out and play cricket, football and indulge in other physical activities.
People would eagerly wait for the postman to deliver letters from their loved ones and if necessary, go for long walks to any local restaurant for lunch or dinner.

But, it was an era that has gone by owing to incessant technological innovation over the years. Mobile phones have bridged an exorbitant communication gap and are considered to be a great technological boon. Or is it?
Well, the answer may be yes when it comes to bridging the communication gap, but what about some unnoticed implications it can have on the human body?!
Yes, mobile phones are causing obesity in teens indirectly. Instead of playing cricket and football outdoors, they play cricket and football on their phones, order foods online that are either processed or have no nutritional value. Mobile phones have basically become an epicenter of distraction.

Instead of spending quality time with loved ones, the current trend is start the day with mobile phone, continue using it while having breakfast, while commuting to work, while having lunch, tea, dinner. Mobile phones almost consume 30% to 40% of the day and it is very important to understand proper mobile phone ergonomics.
The forward neck posture starts to develop due to prolonged hours of forward bending over smart phones, desktops, laptops and other electronic gadgets and this problem is now really profound in young people.
What happens when you bend your neck?
In a neutral position , the weight of the head on the cervical spine is around 10-12 lbs and for every inch of the forward bend away from neutral posture, the force on the cervical spine gets bigger. At 45 degrees of length when the neck tilts forward ,the weight on cervical spine is around 49 lbs.

When bending forward, majority of the people tend to over develop tight muscles at the back of their neck, and these muscles are called neck extensors. They help to extend the neck.
At the same time, the muscles in front of the neck called the deep neck flexors become weak and leads to forward neck posture.
As per a research, when one develops a forward neck posture, the best remedy is to stretch the tight muscle and strengthen weak muscle. Below, we are going the look at few exercises that address and try to correct forward neck posture.
Also note , another muscle which is located in the upper back called the rhomboid is responsible for overall postural heath also needs to be strengthened.
1) Chin tucks-

2) Shoulder and neck stretches

3) Reverse Arch Stretch

4) Scapula Retraction
5) Rhomboid Exercise
Corrective Measures
Follow the below corrective measures to avoid further aggravation
1) Don't arch your neck

2) Make sure to keep a neutral back and elevate the desktop to your neck level

3) Make sure not to over arch when brushing your teeth

4) Use the sewing machine as depicted below

5) Maintain proper posture while eating food

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