The saw in Pilates is an exercise that works the back and the hamstrings. It’s an exercise that will help you stretch your upper and lower body, as the arms stretch out in opposite directions.
Additionally, the more you do this exercise, the more you’ll understand why it must be done by everyone who wants to do Pilates or is already doing so. Let’s begin with the correct form of the exercise.
Correct form of doing saw in Pilates
Sit on a mat, and make sure your back is straight. Next, extend your legs forward, and keep them shoulder-width apart. Make sure your legs are straight and spread your toes.
Spread your hands out to your sides from your shoulders, with your palms facing forward. Now, twist towards your right, and use your abdominal muscles to keep your hips steady. Make sure your torso does not lean as you twist.
Turn your head towards the hand at your back while your front hand tries to touch the opposite foot’s toes. You should try to twist as much as possible without tilting forward or twisting your hips and making them unsteady.
Once you’ve reached your maximum twist/stretch, hold it for a breath before coming back to the neutral position. Repeat for the other side.
Tips to do the saw in Pilates
When you’re trying to do the saw, you must control your breathing. That’s the first thing you need to do. Every time you make a move, you need to inhale and exhale. Controlling your breath is the first step to perfecting this exercise.
Ideally, when you move forward, you should inhale, and while you’re trying to increase the curl, exhale. Next, inhale once you’ve reached your maximum point, and exhale when you come out.
Benefits of doing the saw in Pilates
When you’re doing the saw, you’re essentially working on your spine, hamstrings, core muscles and hips. The exercise will focus on improving your posture as well as stability throughout the body.
One of the most important areas the exercise works on is pelvic stability. The reason pelvic stability is important is because it comes in play during several upper body exercises, which helps in maintaining stability in the hips.
Common Mistakes
You won’t be able to master the saw in Pilates the first day you do it.
It will take you time to understand how to do the movement. However, it’s important to be aware of the common mistakes, so you can master the exercise faster.
Ensure that you’re not rounding your shoulders or tilting your neck. Doing so would make it quite difficult to perform the exercise, as it would exert unwanted pressure.
Next, you must try to balance the pressure on each side of the pelvis instead of trying to rock towards one side.
Bottom line
As a beginner in Pilates, the saw should be a part of your overall movement. However, when you start with it, start slow.
Considering that the exercise stretches the bigger muscles, if you don’t follow through with one smooth movement, it can hurt your muscles and cause them to cramp.