Appropriate diet and exercise are the two key factors that determine proper fitness of a sportsperson. If female athletes do not pay enough attention, it can lead to Female Athlete Triad.
Female Athlete triad is a syndrome that involves disordered eating, low bone mass and amenorrhea in female athletes. It is a combination of three interrelated conditions namely Low Energy Availability or Disordered Eating, menstrual disturbances and osteoporosis.
Generally women athletes who do not pay close attention to their level of health and nutrition may suffer from such syndrome. The primary cause of athlete triad is Low Energy Availability which arises when energy expended exceeds energy consumed.
Energy Availability affects menstrual functions and bone density. Moreover, stress fractures occur more commonly in amenorrhoeic athletes. Therefore, amenorrhea is the most serious menstrual problem associated with the triad.
Osteoporosis is a frequent condition among old women and it develops because of low estrogen levels, poor nutrition, low calcium intake and is characterized by abnormal weakening of bones. This weakening is a consequence of loss of bone density and improper bone formation.
Symptoms often seen in female athletes that indicate the female athlete triad include irregular or absent menstrual cycles, Restriction of food intake, preoccupation with weight or body shape, noticeable weight loss, cold intolerance, chest pain etc.Henceforth it is always advisable that one should do exercises that do not harm or negatively affect the body in any sense. Losing a few kilos need not necessarily improve the performance every time. To be fit and active in sports one needs more muscle than fat, so cutting on food is not a good idea especially for girls.
Some tips that are essential to avoid Female Athlete Triad are maintaining diet in accordance to your energy requirements for the activity you do, not by appetite, as a high intake of carbohydrate in diet or expanded exercise reduces appetite. Females should also make sure that they have a healthy diet with good calcium and vitamin D intake. In case of recurrent illness, one should check for low energy input.
In the event of irregular menstruation or stress fracture immediate medical advice should be sought. Health and well being should be first and foremost priority of athletes and any ignoring these symptoms can have severe repercussions on female athlete’s career.