There are some healthy foods to avoid constipation, which you can easily add to your diet. It is more likely based on following a diet that is high in fiber and low in diet along with restricting junk and processed foods.
People usually don’t like speaking about constipation but there are millions who are suffering from this condition. These foods to avoid constipation are easily available on the market and are generally present at home.
In this article, we have curated a list of healthy foods to avoid constipation along with the foods to eat and avoid when constipated.

Grains and vegetables are among the healthy foods to avoid constipation
Common causes of constipation range from a low-fiber diet, lack of physical activity, a high-fat diet, and not getting plenty of fluid. There are certain other medications or situations like pregnancy that can also lead to constipation.
Here are some healthy foods to avoid constipation, which will also provide you relief in case you are feeling constipated. These simple changes in your diet can significantly help improve your digestive health.
1. Vegetables
Eating vegetables regularly is one of the best foods to avoid constipation. You should aim to eat a good amount of food and vegetables every day. Swap unhealthy snacks such as processed foods and fries with salad, which will provide you with nutrition.
Opt for sandwiches with roasted vegetables in your meals and keep various fruits prepared to eat when you are craving junk food. You can also snack on pre-cut vegetables along with a low-fat dip.
2. Grains
Whole grains are also dynamic foods to avoid constipation. This means swapping regular pasta, white rice, and white bread with brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and whole grain bread.
Fill your diet with whole wheat crackers, multigrain cereals, and whole oats. However, make sure to choose brands that provide low-sugar and low-fat options. Swap chips with air-popped popcorn. You should generally opt for a cereal brand that has at least five grams of fiber per serving.

3. Fiber
Fiber-rich foods are also great foods to avoid constipation as your body cannot break them down and it will help in speeding digestion. Most plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains tend to be good sources of fiber. Examples of foods that are a rich source of fiber include sweet potatoes, navy beans, pears, dates, and more.
However, make sure to add fiber to your diet gradually rather than suddenly or else you will end up feeling gassy and bloated.
4. Beans
Beans are also a good food to avoid constipation. You can swap meat with beans at least a couple of times a week. You can make use of several bean recipes like adding cooked beans to your salad, making bean soup or adding them to the main course.
What Foods to Avoid When Constipated
Healthy foods to avoid constipation will help you quite a bit, but then you can suffer from this digestive distress. Here are some of the foods that you should avoid when constipated as they can further irritate your gut and can be difficult to digest.
Processed foods like microwavable dinners, high chemical and additive foods, sugar-rich foods, and more.
- Avoid frozen meals like pizzas, soups, and other such snack foods.
- Meats
- Chips
- Fast food

What to Eat When Constipated
The foods to eat when constipated should be rich in fiber like legumes, vegetables, nuts, fruits, and whole grains. You should also drink plenty of water when you are constipated.
The aforementioned article discusses healthy foods to avoid constipation along with foods to eat and avoid when you are feeling constipated. Regularly exercising will also help in relieving constipation by moving your food quickly down to your colon.
Most of the time, healthy lifestyle changes will both help in avoiding constipation as well as providing relief from constipation. You can also try taking laxatives for a few days to normalize your system and seek immediate medical attention if you feel that symptoms are getting too severe like weight loss and belly pain.