There are many simple remedies for heartburn relief that can help you manage this condition. Heartburn causes a burning sensation in your chest and throat, and is generally brought on by acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
You might be wondering what causes heartburn. When you eat, your stomach produces acid to help break down the food. The lower esophageal sphincter is a ring of muscle at the tube's base that acts as a valve to keep stomach acid (and digesting food) in the stomach and out of the esophagus. A relaxed valve allows food to pass into the stomach. This valve, when closed, keeps food and stomach acid from escaping into the esophagus.
Acid reflux occurs when this valve relaxes abnormally, allowing stomach acid to flow back up into the esophagus. The most common and noticeable symptom of acid reflux is heartburn.

Although heartburn can be unpleasant, it can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) medications, dietary changes, and other at-home methods.
Natural Heartburn Relief: Some Common Ways
Check out the following ways in which you can get heartburn relief immediately:
1) Eat Ripe Banana
Bananas are a well-known alkaline food with a high potassium content. This can help counteract excess stomach acid and is effective at providing instant heartburn relief. When compared to ripe bananas, unripe bananas have a lower alkaline content, contain more starch, and may cause acid reflux in some people. Consequently, it's imperative that you pick a ripe banana to remedy heartburn.
Other foods that can be consumed to remedy heartburn are melons, cauliflower, fennel and nuts.

2) Avoid Overeating or Eating Too Quickly
Strictly limiting your serving size at meals can help alleviate heartburn symptoms. Having a lot of food in your stomach can increase the pressure on the valve that keeps stomach acid out of the esophagus, thereby increasing the likelihood of acid reflux and heartburn.
Smaller, more frequent meals may help those prone to acid reflux. Heartburn can also be brought on by eating too quickly, so it's important to savor each bite properly. Check out these foods that may cause heartburn.
3) Adjust Sleeping Position
To avoid or alleviate acid reflux and get heartburn relief while you sleep, prop yourself up by keeping your head and chest at a higher level than your feet. The mattress can be elevated with a foam wedge or bedposts can be raised with wood blocks for this purpose.
Pillow stacking is rarely helpful and may even exacerbate your symptoms. It's also been suggested that sleeping on one's left side can help with digestion and reduce acid reflux in the stomach.

Getting Rid of Heartburn
Those who suffer from heartburn but have no other serious complications related to it can get rid of the problem by making some minor adjustments to their way of life.
- People who regularly experience heartburn can benefit greatly from starting an exercise routine.
- Fried and fatty foods are notorious for being heartburn aggravators. If you want to feel better, take them out of your diet and lower your fat intake.
- Don't eat right before you go to sleep. When eating, maintain an upright posture.
- Heartburn-inducing foods should be avoided at all costs. Cut back on foods and drinks high in sugar, like chocolate, soda, tomatoes, and citrus fruits.
- Stop smoking, and cut back on your alcohol intake.
- Consult your doctor if you suspect that one of your medications is causing acid reflux.
- Have antacids, proton-pump inhibitors, and histamine-2 blockers on hand. Avoid having these too frequently because of the potential for side effects.
Heartburn and indigestion are frequent pregnancy complaints. Eat five or six small meals instead of three large ones to lessen the discomfort. After eating, get up and move around in a standing position. Avoid fatty and spicy foods as much as possible.

Acid Reflux Immediate Relief
Check out the following ways in which you can get immediate heartburn relief:
1) Drink Baking Soda Mixed With Water
Baking soda's acid-neutralizing properties make it useful for providing heartburn relief. This can be accomplished by slowly ingesting a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and eight ounces of water.
For your own safety, you should only use this baking soda remedy on rare occasions. Get medical advice before using baking soda.
2) Sip Apple Cider Vinegar in Water
When it comes to heartburn relief, some people turn to apple cider vinegar as a tried-and-tested home remedy. It's also suggested that consuming apple cider vinegar might help with digestive issues.
There are potential health risks associated with consuming large quantities or undiluted vinegar. You could end up with tooth decay, a sore throat, or even acid reflux as a result. If you want to give this treatment a try, mix one teaspoon to one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in eight ounces (237mL) of water and drink it after each meal.

Home Treatment for Heartburn Relief
Other home remedies for heartburn relief are given below:
1) Ginger
Ginger may be effective as a heartburn relief remedy that's easily available at home. Try spicing up your favorite stir-fry dishes, soups, and other food items with some grated or diced ginger root.
Additionally, whether you use fresh ginger, dried ginger, or ginger tea bags, all you need is boiling water to make a soothing cup of tea with it to remedy your heartburn. Use ginger cautiously because excessive amounts can aggravate acid reflux and heartburn.
2) Licorice
As an ancient herbal remedy, licorice root has been studied for its potential to alleviate heartburn symptoms. Licorice can help increase the mucous coating of your esophageal lining. This may help prevent further damage to your esophagus from stomach acid and promote its recovery.
Consuming excessive amounts of licorice may increase blood pressure, decrease potassium levels, and react negatively with certain medications. So, always consult your doctor before taking licorice for heartburn. You can check out these simple home remedies for heartburn relief.
Many over-the-counter medications, home remedies, and changes in diet and lifestyle have been shown to reduce heartburn symptoms. However, be sure to visit a doctor if you're having heartburn more than two or three times a week.