The CCHO diet "Controlled Carbohydrate" or "Constant Carbohydrate" diet has been growing very popular in recent times in the medical field, with a high peak in the growing number of Diabetes patients.
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is becoming more and more common among people due to unhealthy eating habits and sleeping schedules. Hence, it has become more than necessary to take different treatment approaches to maintain blood sugar levels, than just taking insulin injections and oral medications.
The change in dietary approaches combined with workouts can be an effective way to keep diabetes in check, and the CCHO diet can be an effective method of doing so. This method allows people to control blood sugar levels, without depending completely on painful injections and harsh medications.
What is the CCHO diet exactly?

Well, let us explain. Our body uses carbohydrates from the food that we consume to produce energy that helps us to function and carry out our day-to-day activities. There are mainly two types of carbohydrates found in our food:
1) Simple Carbohydrates:
These carbs are mainly found in fruits (fructose) and foods like pasta and sugar. They get easily broken down by our digestive system and easily get dissolved in the blood.
2) Complex Carbohydrates:
There are two types of complex carbohydrates, Starch and Fibers. Starch is mainly found in vegetables like potatoes, whole grains, beans, etc, whereas Fiber is found in cereals, chickpeas, and also in some fruits like the dragon fruit. Complex carbohydrates take more time to break down and digest completely.
Why choose foods with Complex carbs?

Complex carbs don't usually cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels, but rather simple crabs do. Hence, people with diabetes are generally advised to restrict themselves to a low-carb diet and avoid foods with simple carbs. The Keto Diet has been, one of the most approaches among people with diabetes, and also among fitness enthusiasts due to its effectiveness in weight loss. But this diet usually goes to the extreme of restricting daily carb intake to between 20 to 50 grams.
This is too restrictive, and let's be honest, everyone likes their stomach to be full, we all dread those hunger pangs. This is where the CCHO diet can be your savior. In the CCHO diet, you either eat neither less nor more. It is about maintaining that exact amount of carbohydrate intake a day, where you are allowed to eat somewhere between 180 to 190 grams in a day (as prescribed by your physician), and split it between three meals.
And you are good to go, you can savor your meals happily, without spiking your blood sugar levels. The only rule is that you have to eat that same amount of carbs (180-190 grams) every single day, no cheating!
What are the benefits of the CCHO diet?

Limiting your carb intake and following it consistently will slowly bring back your blood sugar levels to normal. The main motive of the CCHO diet is to track crabs in what you eat, so you have as low sugar spikes as possible. By continuing to do it consistently you can bring extreme blood sugar levels to normal with time, and you may not need insulin, and even oral medications anymore. The best part is, it has absolutely no side effects, unlike the other treatments.
It is always better to talk to your doctor before deciding your daily carb intake. It depends on different factors like your present health, body weight, and the amount of physical exercise that you do daily, to decide the right amount of carbohydrates for you. This may also involve taking blood samples to check your average blood sugar levels.

Since you can consume only a limited number of carbs in a day. It is always better to choose foods with complex carbohydrates, mainly starch and dietary fibers. Though a bowl of white rice may seem like a good meal, it has very little nutritional value. Go for a bowl of veggies or lentils instead, that will provide you with much more nutrients while consuming the same amount of carbs.
Following the CCHO diet may even give you the chance to savor your favorite food at your favorite restaurant sometimes if you keep the proportion sizes consistent.
We have to learn how to eat smart, and not less. That is the key.