Here is everything you need to know about sitz bath

Sitz bath has magical medicial properties(Image by Hanna Postova/Unsplash)
Sitz bath has magical medicial properties(Image by Hanna Postova/Unsplash)

Sitz bath comes from a German word Sitzen. In German, Sitzen means to sit. A sitz bath is taken by sitting in warm, shallow water. Any kind of antiseptic or a saline solution like Dettol or Iodine can also be used. This makes the water antiseptic. Sitting in this water can help the perineal area. Soaking the perineal area in warm water can promote better blood flow and can promote faster healing.

The bath is a way of bathing your genitals. It can help get rid of pain, irritation, or any other kind of problem in the anal or genital area. After vaginal childbirth, a woman can use this bath to heal faster and get rid of the pain. If you are not taking a shower because of health conditions, then the sitz bath can help clean the intimate areas.

What is a Sitz Bath?

A bathtub can be used for Sitz(Image by Roberto Nickson/Unsplash)
A bathtub can be used for Sitz(Image by Roberto Nickson/Unsplash)

As mentioned earlier, a sitz bath is a bath where the perineal area (between the uthera and anus in women and between the anus and the scrotum in men) is soaked in warm and medicinal water. This water can eliminate all bacterial growth in the perineal area and help with fast healing, better blood flow, and better intimate hygiene.

People who have piles can also use a sitz bath to prevent any kind of infection and get relief from this kind of bath.

How to take a Sitz Bath?

Ensuring that the bathtub is clean is very important before this bath(Image by Bruce Mars/Unsplash)
Ensuring that the bathtub is clean is very important before this bath(Image by Bruce Mars/Unsplash)

A sitz is a designed sit-in bath. There are plastic kits available for sitz that can be attached to a standard toilet, making it easier and more accessible. This kit once attached to the toilet has to be filled with hot water, which takes the shape of a shallow basin once filled. Make sure to add cold water with hot water to have a comfortable temperature for the bath.

A sitz bath can also be taken in a bathtub. The bathtub has to be filled with 3-4 inches of warm water, along with salt or medicine. Once the water temperature is comfortable, the bath is ready. The entire perineum has to be submerged and this process has to be done for 19 minutes, three times a day for better healing. Making sure that after the bath the genitals and other treated areas are dry is also important.

What are the benefits of a sitz bath?

This bath has many post-pregnancy benefits (Image by Ignacio Campo/Unsplash)
This bath has many post-pregnancy benefits (Image by Ignacio Campo/Unsplash)

This bath comes with several health and hygiene benefits and does not need a doctor's prescription, therefore making it more accessible. The benefits of this bath are:

  • Reduces after-birth pain and swelling
  • Provides relief to those suffering from hemorrhoids.
  • Eases prostate pain
  • Relief from period cramps
  • Helps in improving vaginal cysts
  • Heals pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Heals anal fissures
  • Relief against perineal pain
  • Relief for people dealing with yeast infections
  • Reduces pain during constipation or diarrhea
  • Improves healing by promoting better blood flow

This bath has many magical and medicinal properties. Therefore, if you are an individual who does not like taking a bath every day, you can take this bath to make sure that your intimate hygiene is taken care of.

Sitz bath and its downsides

Adding soap or bath bombs is a complete no (Image by We-Vibe Toys/Unsplash)
Adding soap or bath bombs is a complete no (Image by We-Vibe Toys/Unsplash)

Although safe in most cases, scrubbing the anal or the perineal area during this bath could be irritating. Some people add bath bombs or soap to this bath, which is completely wrong and has to be avoided. Adding these extra chemicals can cause irritation and inflammation, which in turn can cause infections.

Whenever you are taking a sitz bath, make sure that the bathtub or the basin is clean and well-sanitized. After taking a bath, wash it thoroughly. Taking a towel and drying out the area is suggested. If a person has an open wound, a bath is not suggested. In any case, if you face irritation or think there is a chance of infection, consult a doctor immediately.

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