Several home remedies for tinnitus can ease the problem and reduce its symptoms. Tinnitus is the hissing, ringing and buzzing sound in the ears. It's believed that 10% of people in the United States experience problems of tinnitus per year, even if's just for a few seconds or minutes.
While it may not be something serious, it can be frustrating and interfere with your daily activities and even disrupt your sleep. However, people with severe tinnitus problems may have issues with hearing.
What causes tinnitus?

The major cause of tinnitus is a blockage in the ear, but several other conditions can lead to the problem. That includes ear infection, hearing loss caused by high noise levels, problems in the circulatory system, heart disease, sinus infection, hormonal changes, thyroid, brain tumors and Meniere’s disease.
What are some good home remedies for tinnitus?
First things first, there's no single effective cure for tinnitus, but for some people, home remedies can be the best treatment to manage the symptoms.
While there are different devices and medications that can make the noise less frustrating, there may be no specific treatment to eliminate the noise entirely. That's why many people turn to home remedies for tinnitus.
So, do tinnitus home remedies really work? Well, there are certain remedies that have been scientifically proven to help ease tinnitus symptoms.
Tinnitus treatments at home
Here, we explore some of the most effective home remedies for tinnitus:
Use a saline solution
Using a saline solution can be considered one of the most effective home remedies for tinnitus, as it helps open blocked passages and also eliminates excess liquid that can be causing the condition. A saline solution is particularly beneficial for people who suffer from tinnitus caused by clogged sinuses.
To make a saline solution, add salt to a glass of warm water, and mix well. Put a drop in each of your nostrils to clear blockage and open up nasal passages.
Add pumpkin to your diet

If you want to keep ear problems at bay, include pumpkins in your diet. Pumpkin is loaded with vitamin A.
Studies suggest that this essential vitamin promotes proper functioning of the ears by eliminating tinnitus and ear problem-causing symptoms. Experts believe that a deficiency of vitamin A can lead to ear infections and problems, like tinnitus.
Apply a few drops of mustard oil to the ears
Putting a few drops of warm mustard oil in the ears is also among the most useful home remedies for tinnitus.
Mustard oil improves blood circulation and also has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, which prevent infection and build-up of harmful elements in the ears. Moreover, it prevents build-up of earwax, which can be a leading cause of tinnitus.
Heat a small amount of mustard oil, and put a few drops of it in the affected ear or both ears. Keep it for a few minutes, and tilt your head to drain the oil out. Do that every day to see results.
Consume ginger

Consuming ginger can also be considered one of the best home remedies for tinnitus, as ginger contains healing properties and improves blood circulation too. It has various essential antioxidants as well. Ginger reduces inflammation and symptoms like pain, which can help manage tinnitus.
To consume ginger, you can either chew a few pieces or make ginger tea by grating it and adding it to a cup of warm water. Do that at least twice a day to see results.
Lifestyle changes to manage tinnitus
Other than the aforementioned home remedies for tinnitus, there are also some lifestyle and behavioral modifications you can implement to manage tinnitus. These include:
- managing stress
- quitting smoking
- exercising regularly
- cleaning the ears
- avoiding use of earbuds and other related elements
- increasing intake of zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B12
If the aforementioned home remedies for tinnitus do not improve your condition, it's best to consult a doctor.
Tinnitus is not considered a serious health issue in most cases, but if your symptoms are accompanied by loss of hearing, paralysis in the face or discharge from the ears, it's best to seek medical attention quickly.