Mental health in the workplace is as important as any other area of life, yet it often doesn't make it to our priority list.
What can we do to improve it? Think about your current mental health in the workplace. Rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being feeling very low to 10 being feeling great. If you're feeling a number above 0, why do you think it's not 0, and what will it take for you to reach a higher number?
Mental health and work go hand in hand. There's a complex interdependent relationship between the two, with one constantly influencing the other.
What is mental health in the workplace? Why should I bother about it?
Mental wellness at the workplace is a sum of your emotional, financial, physical and social well-being. Yes, it's much more than the salary slip or promotions you receive at your employement.
Before you understand or identify ways to improve your wellness, try to think about what it looks like for you. Try to imagine how would it be for you when you start working towards it.
It includes many aspects like effective communication with your colleagues, ability to manage stress and anxiety, work life balance and many other factors.
It's very important to note that the definition of a workplace is not limited to the traditional workplace. It can be working from home, a small group of colleagues working together, a salesman travelling across cities and any other work setting.
As many of us have shifted to a hybrid model of work, it becomes even more important to take care of our holistic health.
How to improve mental health in the workplace
Workplace mental and physical health is crucial.
First things first: try to make a list of things that you think contribute to your job satisfaction. Next, make a list of things that devalue it or negatively influence your wellness. That will give you a clear picture of what you already have and what you need to work on.
There are multiple things you can do to build a tool kit. One of the most common tools is setting boundaries at the workplace. That helps you set limits and make a healthier environment for yourself. You don't have to carry your work home, making it a troubling experience.
Try to keep stress management tools handy, as much as you can. If you're feeling anxious before a meeting, engaging in a quick relaxation tool can pay dividends. It can be as simple as that.
Mental health support at the workplace is not only important but also an essential too. Try to reach out to your seniors if you feel too low, but if it's the seniors giving you trouble, it might be time for you to think it through.
Mental health days at work should be celebrated every day, but we only do so occassionally.
That's often done under the name of Employee Assistance Programs or Well-being camps. While these are great initiatives for encouraging employees to enhance their mental health or at least keep a check, they're not enough.
As much as it's important for you to earn money and run your households, it's as important to take care of your mental health and emotional well-being. What steps will you take today to enhance your mental health in the workplace?
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.
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