Marichyasana, otherwise known as Marichi's pose or Marichyasana A, is a backbend from the Ashtanga primary series. It is done about midway through the seated poses after the hips and hamstrings have been warmed up with Janu Sirsasana. The variations of the position that involve greater forward folding and twisting are Marichyasanas B, C, and D.
How to Do 'Marichyasana A' Pose the Right Way?
To do this yoga pose:
- Put your right foot next to your right buttock while bending your right knee. Maintain a hand's width or more between your foot and the thigh on the opposing side.
- Maintain a stretched, engaged left leg with the foot flexed.
- Your left foot is in front of your right arm when you extend it. Instead of gripping your left foot, position your right hand with your thumb pointing down on the right side of your mat.
- The front of your right shin should be encircled by your right arm.
- To enable this, your shoulder and upper arm move forward. Keep your right arm in place as you raise your left arm up toward the ceiling and open your chest to the left.
- Reaching to join your hands, you lower your left arm behind your back.
- Put your hands behind your back and join them.
- Pose a tall, straight spine while sitting. Inhale.
- Keeping your hands bound and your spine long, exhale and start to bend forward. Hold it for 3-6 breaths.
- Before releasing the bind and performing the posture with the right leg extended, return to a perpendicular spine.
Tips and Techniques for Marichyasana A Pose
- It could be difficult for people with tense shoulders to wrap their arm over their leg. It is advisable to use a strap because the shoulder will still flex, perhaps leading to a gradual opening over time.
- It may be wise not to lean forward to the point where we bend the straight leg when we have tight hamstrings.
- Instead, maintain your upright position or go to a position where the hamstring may remain straight, and focus on moving the bent leg back to extend the hip as well.
- Wrapping the arm around the leg can be nearly impossible for somebody with short arms. Therefore, using a strap is the appropriate adaptation in this situation.
- A yoga blanket can be used to sit on if you have tight hamstrings in order to tilt your pelvis forward. This might make it easier to enter Marichyasana A's front fold more fully.
Benefits of Marichyasana A Pose
1) Enhances liver and kidney function: The liver and kidneys, like all other body organs, play a critical role in promoting health and wellness. These organs are maintained at top performance by the Marichyasana.
2) Improves digestive system: A strong sense of health and wellbeing is a direct result of effective digestion. Sage Marichi's posture significantly enhances the digestive system, alleviating symptoms like bloating, acidity, constipation, and indigestion.
3) Supports Brain Health: Daily Marichyasana practice promotes a happy nervous system that can provide feelings of serenity and calmness by igniting healthy brain processes. A calm mind eventually leads to a peaceful body.
4) Increases Blood Circulation: The Marichyasana improves blood flow throughout the body, particularly near the abdominal regions.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Do not attempt to prevent rolling to one side with your torso. Instead, maintain the extension and aim forward.
- Aim to keep your forehead away from the straight leg's knee. Beginners frequently do this because they are eager to fold forward. Instead of extending downward, consider doing so forward.
- Remember that even if you can't bind, you can still perform Marichyasana A. The posture is more than just the bind.
- Instead of allowing the foot of the bent leg to open to the side, try to keep it straight and parallel to the leg.
Marichyasana A can feel great when we do it correctly and during Endeavour Yoga sessions. If a modified version is too difficult at the beginning, make sure to take the time to ease yourself into it. Also make sure that you are doing this pose with a purpose: hip opening.
Thinking about what you are trying to achieve with the pose can clear your focus for the Marichyasana A technique, benefits, and tips. All yoga poses come with their individual benefits, but the fact that this posture helps to stretch your lower back is particularly useful. It releases stress in your back and neck and relieves muscle tension.