The pike push-up targets the upper body, especially the shoulders, triceps, and core. It's a variation of the traditional push up and is performed by elevating the feet while keeping the hands on the ground. The pike position requires balance, stability, and strength, making it a challenging exercise for many.
If you’re looking to improve your upper body strength, add some variety to your workout routine, or target specific muscle groups, the pike push-up is a great exercise to include.
Here’s how to perform the pike push-up with proper form and some of the benefits you can expect by incorporating this exercise in your workout routine.
How to do a Pike Push-up:
Start in a high plank position: Begin on your hands and toes, with the hands placed directly under your shoulders. The body should be straight from head to heels.
Tuck your knees: Slowly tuck the knees into your chest, bringing the hips up towards the ceiling. The legs should be straight, and the body should form an inverted 'V' shape.
Lower your head to the ground: While keeping your legs straight, lower your head towards the ground by bending at the elbows. Keep your body in a tight, straight line as you do that.
Push back up: Once your head is close to the ground, push back up to the starting position by straightening the arms.
Repeat: Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions.
Tips for Proper Form
- Keep your body straight: The pike push-up requires balance and stability, so it’s important to maintain a straight line from head to your heels throughout the exercise.
- Keep your core engaged: The pike position requires core strength to maintain balance, so make sure to engage the abs and keep the body tight throughout the exercise.
- Move slowly and smoothly: Avoid jerking or swinging movements; instead, perform the exercise slowly and smoothly to ensure proper form and avoid injury.
- Modify the exercise: If you’re just starting out or find the pike push-up too challenging, you can modify the exercise by elevating your hands on a bench or box instead of your feet. That will reduce the difficulty of the exercise while still benefitting the upper body and core.
Benefits of Pike Push-up

Improved upper body strength: The push-up is a great exercise for improving upper body strength, particularly in the shoulders, triceps, and chest.
Targeted core strengthening: The pike position requires balance and stability, which engages the core muscles. Regularly incorporating this push-up in your workout routine can help improve core strength.
Improved posture: It requires good posture, which can help improve overall posture and reduce risk of injury.
Increased flexibility: The pike position requires a good range of motion in the hips, which can help increase flexibility in that area.
Improved balance and stability: It requires balance and stability, which can improve overall balance and stability, reducing risk of falls and injury.
Versatile exercise: This push-up can be performed anywhere with no equipment required, making it a versatile exercise that can be easily incorporated into any workout routine.
Improved cardiovascular fitness: Pike push-ups are a full body exercise that can improve cardiovascular fitness and increase endurance.

The pike push-up is a highly effective exercise for improveg upper body strength, core stability, and overall fitness.
When performed with proper form, the exercise targets specific muscle groups and provides many benefits. Incorporating it in your workout routine can add variety and challenge, helping you achieve your fitness goals.
Remember to listen to your body, and modify the exercise as needed to avoid injury. Give the pike push-up a try, and experience the benefits for yourself.