How does one develop phobias? Can we recognize when they begin? Phobias are strange creations of our minds. A person who develops phobia is capable of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, with their fear overshadowing everything.
From the terror of heights (acrophobia) to the fear of spiders (arachnophobia), these seemingly unreasonable fears can bring about a strong sense of anxiety, panic, and avoidance behaviors. But what's the exact nature of phobias, and how do they come into being? There are multiple reasons why it may develop in the first place. In fact, the same phobia in two people may have two different starting points.

What Is a Phobia?

Phobias are classified as anxiety disorders. These are characterized by a constant fear of certain objects, circumstances, or even activities. The triggering point for a phobia can range from animals and natural environments to specific social circumstances or even certain numbers.
These fears can arise from personal experiences, acquired behaviors, or just come to be without any known reason. There are many types of phobias and can significantly affect a person's life.
Can You Develop Phobias?

The most fascinating thing regarding phobias is that almost everyone can develop them. Yes, you heard it right. Even the most fearless of us can be sucked into its tightening grip and develop some kind of phobia.
Phobias aren't discriminatory in nature, as it does not distinguish based on gender, age or even background. A person may be strolling through life, and out of nowhere, a sudden thought or encounter sets off an unreasonable sense of dread, which evolves itself into a fully-formed phobia.
How Do Phobias Develop?

The question that we all wonder about is, "how are phobias developed?" Phobias can be a result of multiple internal mechanisms. Perhaps the primary cause is direct experience. In some cases, a traumatic or dreadful event can be permanently imprinted into our minds, resulting in the rise of a phobia. For example, a near-road accident incident may set off the fear of driving vehicles.
Observing others going through intense fear or trauma associated with a certain object or circumstance can invoke a fearful reaction in our brains as well. If a child observes a caregiver showcasing a fear of snakes, they may also develop a fear of snakes themselves. A person might develop agoraphobia after a dangerous encounter in a space away from their home.
Just knowing about a dreadful event can be enough to develop phobia. Social media, certain stories, or even fictitious tales can instill a fearful sense of trauma with a certain situation or object.
There seems to be a strong genetic vulnerability to anxiety disorders, which also include phobias. Alterations in one's brain chemistry as well as functioning can also be a huge contributing factor in the development of phobias.
Living with a phobia can greatly affect a person's life. It may also result in avoiding certain scenarios or places, leading to distress and affecting regular functioning. Thankfully, treatment options such as exposure therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and medications can greatly assist in dealing with phobias and also alleviating them. This slowly encourages people to face and overcome their fears.
While phobias can be troubling, with the necessary care and treatment options, it's possible to chart a course through the fears and lead a life of fulfillment. Even though you may develop phobia, you can always learn to live without it.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.
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