Yoga is an ancient technique that has the true potential to enhance not just your health and daily routine but also your mental well-being. Many people practice yoga for its dynamic physical benefits, including improved strength, balance, and flexibility.
However, what most people do not realize is the ability of yoga to greatly decrease stress levels by simply slowing down your heart rate. Additionally, yoga can reduce chronic pain in a way unlike any other type of exercise due to its relaxation techniques.
7 Effective Ways Yoga Can Help With Health and Longevity
No matter what your skill level or the type of yoga you practice, you can reap health benefits from a regular yoga routine. Yoga can help slow the physical effects of aging and reduce stress.
1) Improves Your Resting Heart Rate

The heart's natural state is to beat at a rate of 60-100 beats per minute. A faster resting heart rate can be a sign that you are overworked or not relaxed. Practicing yoga has been shown to reduce stress and help your body reach its normal state of equilibrium.
2) Helps Build Endurance

The more you practice yoga throughout the week, the more complex postures you will be able to handle and the more stamina you will gain. Longevity is a significant benefit of regular yoga practice, as is physical strength and improved health.
3) Helps You Get The Oxygen

You need to keep your lungs healthy if you wish to keep your body functioning optimally. Activities like yoga can help them to perform better over time. If you want to breathe better and keep your internal organs happy, engage in activities that up the amount of oxygen you receive throughout the day.
4) Corrects Muscle Imbalance

Yes, you can build muscle with yoga. The degree to which it helps you reach that goal, however, varies based on the type of yoga you’re practicing and the instructor leading the class.
5) Provides Flexibility

Yoga can help you maintain flexibility and range of motion into your golden years, which can keep your body healthy and increase your quality of life.
6) Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Yoga teaches us to be present in the moment and to concentrate on our own breathing. With practice, one can develop a greater sense of awareness of life situations and the strength and peace of mind needed to let go of those things that you cannot control.
7) Yoga is a Powerful Tool

It can bring balance and a deeper awareness of the mind, body, and emotions. Some research has suggested that yoga may minimize stress, increase productivity, encourage a good mood and increase mindfulness.
Yoga for Longevity: Practicing Yoga as You Age
If you want to live longer, it’s worth trying yoga. It will help alleviate lower back, knee and neck pain, keep you limber, and make you stronger.
Yoga is also a mental exercise, and by practicing it you become more focused on what you’re doing. If you’re not very flexible, no worries; there are lots of different types of yoga available for every ability level.
Practicing yoga regularly can help you sleep better and adapt more quickly to jet lag. It can even serve as a spiritual practice, and many people find that this helps them connect with themselves and their inner selves.
Top 3 Yoga Poses to Increase Your Lifespan
1) Pigeon Pose
Pigeon pose stretches the glutes, relieves lower back tension, and improves hip mobility. It's one of the most important stretches you can do for your lower body.
To do this exercise:
- In a tabletop position, bring the left knee toward your chest and the left hand to the ground.
- Adjust your legs to either a 45 or 90-degree angle at the front of your mat.
- Position your toes so that they are behind your right wrist and straighten your right leg onto the mat.
- Stretch out your spine as you hold this position for several seconds before returning to the starting position and switching legs.
2) Lizard Pose
This pose will stretch your hip flexors and counteract the muscle tightness we get from sitting most of the day. Your back and knees will also appreciate this useful posture.
To do the lizard pose:
- Kneel on your mat in tabletop position, your right foot near your right hand.
- Walk your left leg back and bring it down on the ground outside of your left hand.
- Now place your hands together at chest level, with the fingertips facing upward.
- Remain in this position as long as you need to feel good.
3) Deep Squat
To do a squat:
- Place your toes straight forward, press your chest up, and pull your shoulders back.
- Sit down and lean back until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- It’s important to have proper form so keep your heels on the floor.
Whether you want to improve body strength, flexibility, balance, or cardiovascular endurance, there's a way to do it with yoga. It is important to remain persistent and focused on one particular aspect of yoga for each session. By doing so, you'll help yourself live a longer and healthier life.