The causes of high blood pressure are not diseases in themselves. However, the long-term effects of hypertension on the heart and blood vessels can lead to hypertensive cardiovascular disease.
What Is Hypertension?
Hypertension, also called high blood pressure, is a condition affecting the blood vessels in the arteries of the body. High blood pressure is when the blood pressure against the walls of the arteries is constantly too high, causing the heart to pump more blood. Blood pressure in the blood is measured in mm Hg (mmHg).
Hypertension occurs when the blood pressure is 130/80mmHg or higher than the ideal blood pressure.
Here are some general categories of blood pressure:
- These are normal blood pressure (120/80 mmHg)
- Elevated blood pressure (above 120 mmHg)
- Stage 1 hypertension (below 130 mmHg)
- Stage 2 hypertension (140 mmHg or higher) (below 80 mmHg)
What Causes Hypertension?
There is not one specific cause of hypertension, but rather a combination of factors that contribute to the condition. Some of the most common causes of hypertension include:
- Genetics: High blood pressure can run in families and may be inherited from your parents.
- Lifestyle factors: Poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress are all common causes of hypertension.
- Age: As we age, our blood vessels become less elastic, which can lead to higher blood pressure.
- Chronic conditions: Certain chronic conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and sleep apnea can increase the risk of hypertension.

Causes of high blood pressure
High blood pressure can be caused by a variety of factors, including smoking, being overweight or obese, not getting enough exercise, consuming too much salt in your diet, drinking too much alcohol (over 1-2 drinks a day), stress, aging, and genetics.
Causes of sudden high blood pressure
There are no obvious causes of high blood pressure. Symptoms of hypertension can occur in rare cases when a person has extremely high blood pressure, so it is important to be aware of them.
Signs of high blood pressure:
- Headaches
- Blurred or double vision
- Regular nosebleed
- Shortness of breath
Foods that raise blood pressure
It is recommended to abstain from consuming foods that are highly processed, contain saturated fats, contain salt, are fried, or contain alcohol. Additionally, diets that are high in sodium, such as those found in smoked or cured meats and sauces, can be some causes of high blood pressure.

These foods may raise your blood pressure:
- Processed meats
- Canned foods with preservatives
- High-sodium foods such as pickles and potato chips
- Fried foods
- Fatty meats
- Table salt
- Grapefruit
High blood pressure is a serious health condition that can lead to many health complications if left untreated. By understanding the root causes of hypertension and recognizing the signs, symptoms, and causes of high blood pressure, you can take steps to manage the causes of blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing serious health complications.
It is important to speak with your healthcare provider about managing your blood pressure and developing a treatment plan that is right for you.