Sitting down for a prolonged period of time, regardless of physical activity, is dangerous and is also associated with increased chances of cardiovascular disease. Plus, it also puts individuals at a greater risk of early death.
The World Health Organization estimates that every year 2 million deaths are directly linked to a sedentary lifestyle. According to WHO, physical inactivity is also among the 10 major causes of disability and death in the world.
So, what should be done to eradicate the harmful effects of sitting? Simple – walk for 5 minutes.
Yes, you heard that right. One study found that a simple 5-minute walk after every 30 minutes of sitting down may potentially help regulate blood sugar levels and control blood pressure as well.
Also read: 6 Effective Ways to Control Your Blood Pressure Naturally
What is the new study all about?
To reduce the dangerous health effects of sitting down, researchers found that a 5-minute light walk every 30 minutes could potentially eradicate the effects of prolonged sitting.
The findings of the new study were published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine.
As per the new study, 11 healthy older adults were asked to sit in the lab for 8 hours for a total of 5 separate days. Their blood sugar levels and blood pressure were continuously monitored.
On most days, people sat for 8 consecutive hours and only took a short break to go to the washroom. On other days, however, researchers started a new strategy.
They asked the participants to take a 5-minute light walk break after every 30 minutes of sitting down, and then 5 minutes of a walk after every hour. Experts found that a 5-minute walk every half hour showed a reduction in blood sugar levels in participants by almost 60 percent after eating and blood pressure by five points.
The study also found that a 5-minute walk every half hour reduced feelings of weakness and fatigue, improved mood, and helped the participants to feel more energized as well.
According to experts, they found that walking just once every hour was also enough to improve mood and reduce fatigue.
Why physical activity matters?
Physical activity matters because a sedentary lifestyle can lead to serious health issues, contributing to a greater chance of:
- obesity
- diabetes
- high blood pressure
- cancers (hormone-related)
- cardiovascular diseases
- bone problems such as arthritis and osteoporosis
While a 5-minute walk is beneficial, several other ways can also help counteract the negative effects of sitting down.
Other ways to reduce your sitting down time
You can’t really escape from your desk job, but there are certain ways by which you can keep your body moving while being seated - and one of the best ways is to practice chair exercises.
If your belly is growing from prolonged sitting, you can incorporate chair exercises for abs into your routine too.
Also read: 5 Best Exercises to Perform If You Sit All Day
We all know about the benefits of exercise, but did you know that chair exercises come with a plethora of advantages too?
Chair exercises help to keep your body moving even when you are sitting down at your office. It helps promote good posture and also keeps your shoulder muscles strengthened so you can use your hands to operate your computer without any pain or discomfort. Plus, these exercises improve your body’s flexibility and help keep your joints strong and functioning well.
Sitting less and moving more is important
It is important to note that moving your body during your work day is significant and worth every second you spend on it. Now that you know that a simple 5-minute walk can keep you away from diseases, do it regularly and see how it will transform your health and your life.