Snail mucin, also known as snail mucus, is the slime snails leave behind when crawling over a place. Putting it on the face might not sound like a good idea, but it's one of the best ingredients that can be added to your skincare routine. Let's find out why.
The use of mucin on skin has recently become popular, especially on TikTok with over a billion views, with popular influencers talking about its positive effects. However, its use has been long popular in South Korea, and some of its earliest mentions date back to ancient Greece.
What is snail mucin?
Snail mucin is a slimy substance, a mixture of proteins, enzymes, hydraulic acid, copper peptides, antimicrobial peptides, iron, zinc and proteoglycans. These are secreted by snails while moving to provide them lubrication and adhesion, maintaining hydration to prevent them from dying out.
Modern skin care products and cosmetics include snail mucin as an essential ingredient due to its multiple health benefits. Its anti-inflammatory nature is known to calm skin redness and may prevent acne and pimples, too.
Snail mucin is extracted from snails by keeping them in a dark room and letting them crawl over surfaces to collect their slime. It's a global business, and the industry to expected to grow to over $700 million.
What are the benefits of snail mucin?
Research on the mucin of snails is ongoing, as it's a comparatively new ingredient in the skincare industry. However, studies have shown multiple benefits of snail mucin:
1) Hydrates skin
The mucus of snails might be a very good option for people with dry skin. It activates the production of hydraulic cid, a natural substance used by snails to maintain hydration to prevent them from drying out, which can be very effective for retaining skin moisture.
2) Accelerates wound healing
The mucus of snails is known to have antibacterial properties. Studies have shown that snails secrete a compound called achacin, which kills bacteria by generating hydraulic acid.
It can be effectively used as an ointment for small cuts and wounds, as its anti-inflammatory properties can accelerate the recovery process and prevent scars.
3) Prevents wrinkles and premature aging
The mucus of snails contains collagen and elastin, compounds known for toning down skin and making it elastic, which prevents wrinkles.
Research done on 25 women who used a serum with 40% snail mucin for 12 weeks showed that it improved skin health and significantly minimised the appearance of fine lines.
4) Reverses sun damage
Sunburn and tanning are becoming almost unavoidable these days because of constant exposure to ultraviolet B radiation.
Research has shown that because of its anti-inflammatory properties, snail mucin can calm down skin inflammation, which can lead to acne and pimples.
5) Acts as a gentle exfoliant
Glycolic acid present in the mucus of the snails can act as a gentle exfoliant for dead skin cells over the face. That may help eliminate rough and dry patches left by sunburn or pimples, revealing brighter and smoother skin inside.
Snail mucin for rosacea
Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness and rash on the skin, usually on the nose and cheeks. It may also cause little bumps all over the face with pus inside.
It can cause stinging and burning in the affected areas and can also affect the eyes. Rosacea from the face can also spread to the neck, chest, scalp and ears. The continuous inflammation makes blood vessels appear on the face.
Is snail mucin for rosacea a good option?
The primary causes of rosacea can be long exposure to the sun, unhealthy lifestyle, and if continued for a long time, emotional stress.
While there's no absolute cure for rosacea, studies have shown that snail mucin can be an effective way to minimize its effects. It's known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can calm down inflammation, and repair and restore skin, after long exposure to scorching heat.
Additionally, its antibacterial properties can kill and prevent the growth of bacteria over the face and minimize spread of red bumps. However, patients suffering from rosacea are highly prescribed to consult a dermatologist for professional treatment.
Some patients with rosacea have reported that using products with snail mucin has helped them to reduce the symptoms, but more research is needed to corroborate the claims.
Although clinical studies say that there are almost no side effects on using snail mucin, it's always better to first apply it on a small section of the skin.
Wait for some time, making sure it doesn't lead to any irritation or burning before using it on your face. To see the necessary results, apply it consistently for four to six weeks. People with allergies are always prescribed to consult their dermatologist before adding it to their skincare routine.