The foot and ankle region is a common site for running pain–after all, it’s the first point of impact.
Elastic, flexible calf muscles can soften the shock down below, helping prevent injuries such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis.
These stretches are part of strength and flexibility foundation-building method for runners. Stretch after every run.
Hold two seconds; repeat 10 times on each leg.
Gastrocnemius (outer calf)
Sit with both legs straight. Loop a rope around the ball of one foot and grasp each end of the rope. Flex your foot back toward your ankle, toes toward your knee.
Step Drop Stretch
Find a street curb or stairway step. Place the ball of your foot on the end of the ledge. Slowly drop your heel down while keeping the ball of your foot on the step. Be sure and support yourself if you can or have someone to grab onto. Once you get the hang of it you should be able to do this stretch without any assistance. As you bring your heel down, be sure not to force it further than it wants to go. Your goal is to be able to have your heel touch the ground, but this may take time.
Soleus (inner calf)
Sit with one leg straight and the other bent. Grasp the bottom of the foot on the bent leg. Keeping your heel on the ground, pull your foot toward your body as far as you can.
Achilles Tendon (attaches heel to calf)
Sit with one leg straight and one bent. Bring your heel close to your buttocks. Keeping your heel on the ground, pull your foot towards your body.
Calf Pain Remedy
Calf pain and muscle cramping in general can be caused by many things, but low magnesium is currently considered one of the major factors.
Most people are deficient in this mineral and can unnecessarily take anti-inflammatory or pain medicine when all they may need is 400 milligrams of magnesium.
Check with your doctor if you have muscle cramping to learn whether magnesium is a good start for a remedy. Do keep in mind that over-consumption of magnesium can cause diarrhea.
Credit | Jim and Phil Wharton