Most people don't realize that the common scalp condition known as scabbing—also called "seborrheic dermatitis"—is caused by yeast. And while it's not contagious, it can still be annoying if you have it!
This article will walk you through a step-by-step guide to treating your scabby scalp and clear up any questions you may have about this unsightly skin condition.
What Is Scabby Scalp?
Scabby scalp is a skin infection that causes itching and a rash on the scalp. It's caused by scabies, which is an infestation of tiny mites that burrow into your skin.

Mites can be spread from person to person through direct contact with their eggs or feces, so it's important to avoid sharing towels, bedding and clothing with someone who has scabies until their infection has cleared up. If you think you or your child may have been exposed to scabies:
- Wash all linens in very hot water
- Use an over-the-counter medication as directed
Causes of Scabby Scalp
Scabies is caused by a tiny mite that burrows into the skin, causing intense itching. The mites are spread through skin-to-skin contact, so you can get them from your partner or someone who shares your bed.

If you have scabies, over-the-counter medicated lotion or cream will kill the mites and stop them from burrowing further into your skin. You'll need to wash all of your sheets and clothes in hot water to kill any remaining eggs or mites that might be hiding there too--you don't want those little buggers coming back!
Treating Dry Scalp (Psoriasis)
Treating dry scalp (psoriasis) is a little more complicated than treating scabby scalp. This is because psoriasis tends to be itchy and painful, which can make it hard to sleep at night. To help you get some relief, we've put together this step-by-step guide on how best to treat dry skin:

- Medicated Shampoo - You want something that'll clean out all of the dead skin cells while still being gentle enough not to irritate your scalp further
- Medicated Conditioner - Just like with any other type of conditioner, this will help hydrate and moisturize your hair follicles so they aren't as prone to breaking off prematurely or falling out altogether
- Scalp Creams - These contain ingredients like steroids that reduce inflammation in order for your body's natural healing processes (specifically cell division) have time do their work without being interrupted by pain signals sent from irritated nerve endings
If it's a scabby scalp, an OTC shampoo containing permethrin or pyrethrin may be enough to clear up the problem on its own. If not, seek help from your doctor about other ways to get rid of the infestation--such as prescription creams that can kill mites more effectively than shampoos do

If you've been struggling with a scabby scalp, you may be feeling frustrated. There are many different treatments available and it can be hard to know which one to choose. You may find that the best solution is something simple like moisturizing your hair more often or using an anti-dandruff shampoo every few days. Whatever treatment works best for you, however, remember that it may take some time before results start showing up