Transverse abdominis exercises are often forgotten and not given much importance as they do not really provide you with those glorious six pack abs. However, they are an essential part of your core muscles and are quite important, especially when you are building your core strength.
When we train our core, the general focus is either on the obliques or the rectus abdominis. Focusing on the transverse abdominis is equally important for a well-balanced core. Since this muscle wraps around our sides and spine, it is also referred to as the corset muscle. Along with the core, it also plays a significant role in stabilizing the spine for the proper functioning of our body.
The transverse abdominis is the deepest layer of abdominal muscle. Even for activities like walking, running, or playing some sport, this muscle is activated. Thus, it is quite important to understand this muscle and keep it protected by doing the transverse abdominis exercise.
How is transverse abdominis exercise beneficial?
There are various benefits you can get by training your transverse abdominis. These can lower your back pain, prevent injuries, and may improve your physique.
Let's take a look:
Back pain
Opting for strengthening transverse abdominis provides you with stabilization and makes your daily activities easier. Learning how to activate your corset muscles can significantly reduce back pain, considering it keeps our spine better supported.
Co-contraction between the transverse abdominis and the multifidus muscle is essential for reducing low back pain and in maintaining symmetry of the spine while walking. Hence, it is important that we engage in transverse abdominis exercise.
Lower injury percentage
Doing deadlifts or weighted squats can be risky and may cause injuries. Activating transverse abdominis muscles can help to prevent injuries while you are lifting something heavy.
Other than this, transverse abdominis exercises can potentially make your waist look smaller.
Transverse abdominis exercises for better core strength
Here are some of the transverse abdominis workouts that one must do to strengthen your core and stay in shape:
1. Plank
Plank is one of the most popular and easiest ways to work your corset muscles. Doing this for 30 to 60 seconds can effectively work your core and improve its stability.
To perform this:
- Get into the push up position.
- Keep your elbows under your shoulders with your forearms on the floor.
- Maintain a straight back and prevent your hips from lifting or dipping.
- Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.
2. Side plank
Just another form of plank, side plank too is an excellent way to engage your core, especially the transverse abdominis muscles.
- Lie on your side with the right forearm on the ground.
- Stack feet, knees, and hips to form a straight line from head to feet.
- Make sure your right elbow is directly under your right shoulder.
- Lift hips as high as possible and hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
3. Goblet squat
Along with your transverse abdominis muscles, they also improve your quads, calves, and glutes.
- Grab a kettlebell by the bottom of the handle and hold it at chest with elbows slightly out.
- Keep feet wider than hip-width apart.
- Perform a squat.
- Pause, then drive feet into the floor and stand back up.
- Repeat for 8 to 12 reps.
4. Hollow hold
One can perform this transverse abdominis exercise for better core strength as they also improve your abs and glute strength.
- Lie face up.
- Push your lower back into the floor. This will engage your abs.
- Keep your legs straight and raise them off the floor.
- Lift your shoulders such that your hips and lower back are on the floor.
- Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
Transverse abdominis exercises are highly important for you to perform daily activities. Including these muscles in your workout routine will enhance your day-to-day life and help you prevent injuries, apart from stabilizing the spine.
Make sure you do not perform this exercise during pregnancy or if you have some medical condition like a hernia that might cause more harm than benefit. Further, make sure you breathe properly while doing these exercises as that can help to improve your performance.