The GHD machine (Glute Ham Developer machine) is an equipment that can be used to develop your glutes and hamstrings. It also works the core, quads, calves, hip flexors and other muscles.
The Glute Ham Developer is one of the most underutilised pieces of equipment in the gym. It helps you build posterior strength and improve your stability.
A weak posterior chain of muscles increases the risk of injury, especially in the lower back, hips and knees. Strengthening these muscles can keep your body healthy, muscularly balanced and pain free.
Best Exercises You Can Do on GHD Machine

Check out these seven exercises you can perform on a Glute Ham Raise machine:
1) Hip Extensions
Hip extensions can help you develop your glute muscles and hamstrings. To maintain the correct form, you must keep your spine ridged while flexing your hips.
Here's how you can do this exercise on a GHD machine:
- Adjust the machine so that your hips are unrestrained. In an ideal situation, the tops of your legs should rest on the support pad.
- Begin by maintaining straight legs, fully extended hips, and arms positioned across the chest. The torso and head should be parallel to the ground.
- Remember to flex your hips as much as possible while maintaining your lumbar curve as you descend.
- Contract your glutes and hamstrings as you return your torso to the starting position.
- Repeat as many times as directed by your trainer.
2) Sorenson Hold
The Sorenson Hold is an isometric exercise using the GHD machine, which works like a plank for your back side.
Here's how you can do the Sorenson Hold:
- Adjust the machine so that your hips rest on the support pads.
- Place your hands either behind your head or across your chest while your legs are completely stretched.
- Contract your abs and glutes, and maintain a parallel position with the floor.
- Remember to engage your core to prevent lower back hyperextension.
- Hold the position for the number of times as directed by your trainer.
3) Back Extensions

Back extensions help move your back vertebrae by vertebrae as you flex your back. They're great for developing your spinal erectors (the muscles lining your spine) and for building kinesthetic awareness.
They can be performed as follows:
- Adjust the machine so that your hips are supported by the pad.
- Begin by maintaining straight legs, fully extended hips, a neutral spine and crossed arms.
- Start by tucking the chin to flex the spine.
- Start the movement with the neck, followed by the upper back and the lower back.
- Move your upper body back to the starting position with care (the motion should be in reverse, beginning at your lower back and ending at your neck). Tepeat the action for the number of times as directed by your trainer.
4) Glute Ham Raises
The glute ham raise exercise is one of the best you can do to strengthen your hamstrings. Keeping your hips fixed will force you to rely on your hamstrings to move your torso to the starting position.
Here's how you can do this exercise on a GHD machine:
- Adjust the GHD machine so that your knees are supported by the pad. Start with your knees bent and your upper body straight.
- As you fall, remember to maintain a neutral spine. Continue the movement till your torso is parallel with the ground.
- As you return to the starting position, squeeze your glutes and hamstrings.
- Additionally, you can lessen the amount of difficulty by moving your knees behind the support pad.
5) Reverse Hypers
Reverse hyperextensions flex your lower back and help activate and strengthen your glutes.
Here's how you can do it on a GHD machine:
- Begin by lying face-down on the footpad. Adjust the machine so that your abdominals are supported by the pad, and your hips are free to flex and extend.
- Utilise your arms to support the foot pad while squeezing your glutes. Raise your feet till they are parallel to the ground and in alignment with the rest of your body.
- Return to the starting position, with your hips contracted and your legs directed towards the floor.
- Repeat the exercise for the number of times as directed by your trainer.
6) GHD Sit-Ups
GHD situps help strengthen your core, back and hip flexors.
To perform GHD situps on a GHD machine:
- Sit on the support pad with your hips relaxed.
- Extend your legs, but maintain a slight bend in your knees. You should place your hands on the foot pad.
- Start by going backwards while bracing your abs and torso and raising your arms above your head till you touch the ground with one or both hands.
- Return to the starting position by extending your legs and swinging your arms and upper torso up in a slow, gentle motion.
- Repeat for the number of times as directed by your trainer.
7) Hip and Back Extensions
Hip and back extensions help develop body awareness and exercise your back and hips.
Here's how you can do hip and back extensions on a GHD machine:
- Position yourself on the machine so that your hips are free.
- The support pad should be fixed beneath your legs.
- Maintain straight legs, fully extended hips and crossed arms in front of your chest.
- Start with a standard back extension beginning at the neck and progressing to the lower back. Flex the spine.
- Transition to a hip extension by flexing the hips and extending the spine.
- Return carefully to the starting position by bending your spine in the other direction, from your lower back to your upper back.
- Repeat the exercise.
The aforementioned exercises on a GHD machine can help you beef up your glutes and strengthen your hamstrings.