Walking 10,000 steps a day has become a popular form of fitness. The issue is that most people don’t know what they need to do to reach their target.
Knowing how many steps to take in a day can help you reach your target. Being able to monitor your step count helps you stay accountable. Whether you use a pedometer, fitness tracker or an app, monitoring your progress is vital to achieving your goals.
While 10,000 may seem like a lot of steps, it’s achievable. In fact, you can reach this goal before leaving for work in the morning and again before bedtime. It’s important to think of reaching that total as a challenge instead of something that seems impossible.
Health Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps Every Day
Walking 10,000 steps a day can not only prevent several lifestyle diseases but can also provide benefits, such as improved mood sensitivity. Here's a look at some such benefits:
1) Helps Burn Belly Fat

If you want to lose weight or just feel better in your own skin, burning fat is an important step.
Our bodies change over time, and when we don't move enough, those changes can include weight gain. Fortunately, it isn’t difficult to begin losing weight. It just takes a few days to burn a few calories by walking 10,000 steps every day.
Brisk walking is also one of the simplest ways to burn off extra calories and prevent the creation of belly fat. Brisk activity will make a difference in how your clothes fit.
2) Reduces Stress

Walk 10,000 steps a day and reduce your stress in a number of ways, including setting your mind in a meditative state and boosting endorphins. Walking outside or walking with a friend can help you reduce stress even more than if you walk alone.
Even if you walk outside or bring a friend along, the stress-reducing benefits increase even more. One of the most relaxing things about walking is that it helps you forget about your stresses and worries as you catch up with a friend or soak in the fresh air.
3) Helps Manage Weight

You don't need to go on an extreme diet or exercise vigorously to begin losing weight.
Just walking 10,000 steps for extended periods is enough to see a few pounds drop away. If you walk for long periods, you may find that walking helps jump start your weight loss quest, and your waistline can slim in just a few weeks.
If you’re looking to lose weight, there are ways to make your routine more effective. Using interval walking, keeping a steady pace and using exercise bands can help you shed pounds while walking.
4) Lowers Blood Pressure

Walking 10,000 steps every day is an excellent way to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range. You don't need to walk for long distances, as even short ones are effective.
Getting 30 minutes of intense exercise in the morning, mid-day, and evening is just as beneficial as taking a short, brisk walk around your neighborhood to keep your blood pressure normal.
Walking can help you stay healthy, as it lowers blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, you should consider adding a walking routine toyour daily life.
5) Reduces Depression and Uplifts Mood

Stress can make you cranky and can lead to mental illnesses, such as depression.
In a recent study, researchers looked at how walking affected those suffering from depression. They examined how people’s moods change when they walk in different parts of a city.
Depending on where your walk, your degree of engagement with the environment varies. If you're suffering from depression or just need to clear your head, taking a half-hour walk through a park can help improve your mood.
Bottom Line
Walking 10,000 steps a day is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. If you think you don’t have time to walk, the aforementioned benefits can motivate you to take up walking.
Start out with small changes, and work your way up. You can build walking into your daily routine in many ways. The point is to just get started, and make it as easy as possible for yourself.
Walking is one of the most flexible and accessible forms of exercise, which makes it a great way to begin your journey towards a healthier life. It’s gentle on the joints, easy to do anywhere you want, and doesn't require you to buy any equipment.