Hugh Jackman is no stranger to the world of superhero movies, having played the iconic role of Wolverine in the X-Men series for over a decade. In the upcoming film Deadpool 3, Jackman is set to reprise his role as the adamantium-clawed mutant, and fans can expect to see him in top physical form.
So, what does it take to get Jackman's Wolverine-worthy physique? According to the actor himself, it's all about hard work and dedication. In a recent interview, Jackman said that he follows a strict workout routine to maintain his muscular frame.
Hugh Jackman’s Workout
Hugh Jackman starts his day with a protein-packed breakfast, consisting of eggs, oats, and fruit. He hits the gym for a grueling workout that typically includes a combination of weight training, cardio, and functional fitness exercises.
One of Jackman's go-to exercises is the bench press, which he uses to build strength and size in his chest, triceps, back, and shoulders. He also incorporates a variety of bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups, dips, and chin-ups, into his routine to build muscle and improve his overall functional fitness.
In addition to his traditional gym workouts, Jackman also incorporates a variety of other physical activities into his routine. That can include anything from surfing and boxing to swimming and cycling.
It's not just about physical workouts though, as Jackman also places a strong emphasis on his diet and recovery. He follows a high-protein diet rich in lean meats, vegetables, and complex carbs. Jackman makes sure to get plenty of rest and recovery time to ensure that his muscles are properly repaired and ready to tackle his next workout.
Overall, Jackman's workout routine is a testament to the hard work and dedication required to maintain a superhero physique. With his combination of weight training, cardio, functional fitness exercises, and a healthy diet, it's no wonder that he's been able to play the role of Wolverine for so many years.
What is the Wolverine's diet?
The Wolverine's diet employs 16:8 methods of intermittent fasting. While on the diet, Jackman consumes all his food in an 8-hour period and fasts for 16 hours per day.
Assuming he sleeps for about eight hours per night, he has approximately eight wakeful hours when he cannot eat. He cycles carbs through each stage of training. He has high-carb food on weight training days and low-carb on rest days.
Despite the fact that there are no dietary restrictions, Jackman reportedly has mostly clean food during his training. He allegedly consumes over 4,000 calories per day while training.
Wolverine in Deadpool 3: What Can We Expect?
Hugh Jackman is also starting to regain the physique that everyone is familiar with from his time as Wolverine at his peak.
Many consider Hugh Jackman to be one of the few examples of an actor who consistently stayed in shape for a role while also going above and beyond what was required of the character. Whoever Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige chooses to play the new Wolverine in the rebooted X-Men will undoubtedly have some big shoes to fill, given the overwhelming support from fans who adore Jackman's portrayal.
Hugh Jackman confirmed that he knows a little bit about what would happen in the film but won't reveal it, but he did provide some insight into the character's mindset. When asked whether this version of Wolverine would be angrier or kinder, he said, "There's no choice. He's definitely the angrier, acerbic, grumpy one, and he's going to take a lot of free shots at Ryan Reynolds. That is, physically."