Hyperpigmentation on neck is a common problem among some people. It can occur due to hormones and excessive sun exposure and may also occur due to an underlying cause or skin condition.
Usually, hyperpigmentation around neck is not an alarming situation, but in many cases, it can be a sign of a serious condition that may require immediate medical attention.
Dark skin is mostly found in body folds and creases in the lateral folds of the neck, belly button, forehead, armpits and other areas.
What are the causes of neck pigmentation?
Hyperpigmentation on neck may be caused due to different conditions, including the following:
- poor hygiene
- environmental pollutants
- exposure to the sun
- chemical-based skin care products
- diabetes
- obesity
- fungal infections
- autoimmune disorders
Several skin conditions may also be responsible for dark necks. These may include acanthosis nigricans, tinea versicolor and dermatitis neglecta.
Additionally, hyperpigmentation on neck may occur as a result of certain medications as well, like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antipsychotic drugs and antimalarials.
Treatment for hyperpigmentation on neck
Here are some effective treatment options to get rid of hyperpigmentation on neck:
Treating the underlying causes
Identifying the underlying conditions that are causing hyperpigmentation is the first treatment option you should opt for.
Treating the causes can help you get rid of the dark neck and also prevent it from coming back. In cases where the discoloration is due to any medication, discontinuing it may resolve the condition.
Cosmetic procedures
Cosmetic procedures for black neck may include the following treatment options:
- exfoliation
- chemical peels
- laser treatments
Prescription medications
Your dermatologist may prescribe certain medications that can help eliminate dark necks.
Medications may include salicylic acid, retinol and alpha hydroxy acids-based products. You may also be prescribed some oral acne medications for the same.
Home remedies for dark neck
Using certain home-based products can also help with hyperpigmentation on neck and brighten the affected skin.
Some good home remedies for dark neck may include:
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a natural skin lightener that can help reduce hyperpigmentation on neck and also moisturize the skin. Aloesin, a flavonoid present in aloe vera, helps lighten hyperpigmentation and also keeps the skin hydrated.
Extract pure aloe gel from its leaf, and apply it directly on the neck. Leave it for a few minutes, and wash it away with water. Repeat daily for a few days to see great results.
Baking soda
Baking soda is a skin exfoliator that helps cleanse the skin by reducing pigmentation and discolored patches.
To use this remedy, mix a teaspoon of baking soda with water, and make a thick paste. Apply it evenly on the neck, and let it air dry. Wash it off with cool water after a few minutes. Use this remedy twice a week.
Almonds are rich in vitamins that are important for skin health. They contain skin nourishment properties that help smoothen the skin while also reducing discoloration.
Studies also suggest that almond oil contains sclerosant properties that can help improve skin tone and keep the skin healthy and nourished.
Take a teaspoon of powdered almonds, and mix it with a teaspoon of milk, honey and a few drops of almond oil. Make a thick paste, and apply it evenly on your neck. Leave it for a few minutes, and wash it off. Repeat the remedy at least thrice a week.
Yogurt and turmeric
Yogurt and turmeric masks are an amazing remedy to get rid of hyperpigmentation on neck. While yogurt will help reduce tan and fine lines on the neck, turmeric’s anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can keep skin infections away.
Take a tablespoon of yogurt, and add a few pinches of turmeric to it. Make a paste, and apply it on your neck. When dry, massage gently, and wash it off with warm water. Repeat the remedy at least thrice a week to see great improvements.
Simple skincare habits to prevent dark neck
Several skincare and lifestyle changes can help reduce the appearance of a dark neck and prevent it from reoccurring.
These include:
- applying good sunscreen daily
- washing the skin daily with water and soap
- exfoliating at least once a week
- consuming a healthy and nutritious diet
It's important to note that the aforementioned remedies are not a substitute for medical treatments. Hence, it's advisable to speak with a dermatologist before using any remedy.
Moreover, some products might not be suitable for a particular skin type, so be careful, check for allergies, and always do a patch test before directly applying it to your skin.
If home remedies do not help and hyperpigmentation exacerbates over time, discontinue them, and seek immediate medical treatment.