Have you ever wondered “is couscous healthy?” It’s quite the popular choice for a balanced diet, but does it truly have the nutritional values that are necessary to create a properly balanced diet?
Well, it’s time to find out whether the answer to “is couscous healthy?” a simple yes or no, or if it’s slightly more complicated.
Is couscous healthy?

To understand “is couscous good for you?”, you need to understand whether or not it’s a healthy diet option.
Couscous is a healthy food option, but there are various grain choices for the same, and whole grains are the healthiest choice among the lot.
What is couscous made of?
Couscous is a type of pasta that is made from semolina flour. Semolina flour is made from durum wheat.
The semolina flour is mixed with water, which results in the formation of round, small pellets or grains. Next, these grains are steamed till they're cooked and dried to give them a fluffy texture.
Apart from that, it can be made from other types of flour like whole wheat or barley, and could be flavored with spices or herbs. It’s a staple food in several Middle Eastern and North African countries and is commonly used as a side dish or a base for salads and stews.
Here are some of the reasons why couscous is a healthy food choice:
Low in calories and fat
Couscous is known for being low in calories and fat. It’s a great choice for those who are trying to watch their weight or maintain a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle.
High in fiber and protein
Couscous contains protein and other important nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium. It’s a great choice for balancing carbohydrates that provide your body with energy.
Versatile choice
You can use couscous in a variety of dishes like a base for salads, side dishes for vegetables, or as a substitute for rice.
Is couscous healthier than rice?

As mentioned earlier, you can use couscous as a substitute for rice in some recipes. However, that begs the question, which is a follow-up to “is couscous healthy?” - is it better than rice?
Well, both couscous and rice are healthy choices for carbohydrates, and what you pick depends on the dietary needs and preferences of every individual. Here are some of the differences between couscous and rice:
Nutritional value
Couscous is lower in calories and fat than rice, and it has more protein, fiber and essential nutrients. However, brown rice is considered to be a great source of fiber and minerals as well.
Glycemic index and gluten
Couscous has a higher GI index than brown rice. That means it can cause a spike in blood sugar level, so it’s a huge concern for individuals who have diabetes or who need to control their blood sugar level.
Couscous is easier and faster to prepare than rice. The former takes a couple of minutes, while rice can take as long as 45 minutes to be completely cooked.
Is couscous healthy: calories in couscous
One of the final elements to understand if couscous is healthy is to know the calorie content of the same.
Like everything else, the number of calories in couscous depends on how much of it is taken into consideration.
However, the general guidelines for couscous calories are as follows:
170 grams of regular cooked couscous has approximately 175 calories.
155 grams of whole wheat cooked couscous has approximately 170 calories.
170 grams of cooked Israeli couscous has approximately 175 calories.
The calorie count of the couscous in question will increase depending on how the couscous is cooked, and the amount of vegetables meat or sauces that have been added to it. The more you add fatty condiments, the unhealthier it becomes.