Fungal acne is uncommon and can be misinterpreted as everyday common acne (a skin condition), which is also called as acne vulgaris.
The common acne that we endure is usually easier to treat but fungal acne has a different set of causes, symptoms, and treatments. This form of acne is usually caused due to an overgrowth of yeast in the hair follicles and causes similar irritation in the skin (hence people confuse it with common acne). Thus, it becomes important to understand these criteria for fungal form of acne.
In this article, we will discuss more about fungal acne, what are the symptoms, causes, and finally, how to treat it.
What are the causes of fungal acne?

The fungi responsible for fungal acne is called Malassezia. The presence of this yeast is natural but a problem occurs when this yeast is not able to get along with other microorganisms on the skin, which leads to a disruption of balance.
There can be various reasons which can influence the balance of Malassezia with other microorganisms. Further, when hair follicles get damaged, this yeast may enter the skin and cause fungal acne.
One of the reasons behind this can be due to moisture, like wearing the same workout clothes regularly without washing can contribute to yeast growth. Increased sweating can also contribute to causing this form of acne.
Other than this, several medications like antibiotics may kill the beneficial bacteria which paves a pathway for fungus to form acne. Similarly, if your immunity is not up to the mark or you have introduced some changes in your diet which is high in carbs and sweets, it may also contribute to such acne formation due to an overgrowth of yeast.
Further, shaving or waxing and rubbing skin frequently can also contribute to damaged follicles.
What are the symptoms of fungal acne?

Common acne and acne due to fungus can be varied with careful observation of symptoms. It is seen that fungal acne is of a generic size and does not vary much when compared to common acne which can be of various sizes.
Another differentiating factor for this is that it usually occurs mainly in the arms, chest, back, or sometimes in the face. Itching is another indicator as it is not so common in bacterial acne. Moreover, if you have got fungal acne, you may notice that there are groups of whiteheads which again is not the case with bacterial acne.
What is the treatment and prevention for this?

The identification of this condition is usually done by observing the skin which is obtained by looking at the skin sample. This could easily be treated by simple lifestyle changes like regular showering which can reduce yeast.
Wearing proper clothes which are not too tight for you and regularly changing them. Along with this, the usage of anti-dandruff shampoo can be highly effective. In addition to this, if medical help is taken, then doctors may provide with oral antifungal meds like Fluconazole or Itraconazole. However, these meds may have some side effects on your body like nausea or vomiting.
Basically, consuming a balanced diet, regular showering, and using anti-dandruff shampoo will help you treat it as well as prevent it. However, if the acne problem persists, it is better to get medical attention in order to avoid any complications and get to the root cause of it.