Malignant narcissism is often considered the most harmful form of narcissism. Amidst the complexities of human behaviour and mind, there exists a puzzling mental health condition known as malignant narcissistic personality disorder.
The true meaning of the term goes deeper than simply describing a self-loving individual. This disorder is a unique combination of narcissistic traits along with characteristics of antisocial as well as paranoid behavior.
An initial encounter with someone with narcissism may not be enough to tell you about their personality. However, as you get to know about their personality traits, you may understand that the relationship exists only for them and no one else.

What is Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder (MNPD)?

There are various types of narcissism. On one hand, we have vulnerable narcissism and on the other, malignant narcissism. Try picturing a person whose personality goes way beyond being self-centred. MNPD is all of that and much more. Individuals with this disorder display a high sense of self-importance and find it difficult to make sense of or care about others' emotions.
It is difficult to describe it since all narcissists have these traits, but someone with malignant narcissism seems to have a darker side. It is the combination of antisocial as well as narcissistic traits that makes MNDP a unique condition. This, in turn, creates a blend of personality features that may become challenging to deal with.
What are malignant narcissism traits?
Recognizing malignant narcissism symptoms is vital for your protection. This is especially important for those who are in a relationship with someone with narcissistic personality disorder.
Often, we fall into psychological games and find it difficult to step out of them. However, recognizing the signs is often the first step:
1. Overidentification with self

Those suffering from MNPD like to think too highly of themselves. They aim so high that they literally believe they are among the clouds—in their own heads, of course. This belief of being beyond everyone else is what isolates them from their own weaknesses, resulting in an invincible personality.
2. Low empathy
These people lack the art of understanding other's unique circumstances and viewpoints. The empathy meter is perpetually aimed at zero. Relationships turn into a mutual benefit scheme rather than one of care and nurture.
3. Manipulation

Malignant narcissists possess a degree in manipulation tactics or skills. They are experts at timing things right, especially when they want to get things done by others. They manipulate various circumstances, relationships, and people to fulfill their desires, weaving a web that's carefully designed for deception.
4. May display sadism
They enjoy inflicting pain on those around them; this is what sets them apart. They may try to physically harm, emotionally abuse, or even employ psychological tactics in order to enjoy others suffering. They may also lash out in overt or covert ways if their demands are not met.
Getting to know more about malignant narcissism is similar to decoding a complex puzzle. It demands a great level of patience, compassion, and an understanding of the degree of damage these individuals can inflict upon themselves and people near them. While personality disorders can't be cured, they can be managed to some capacity.
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