Kettlebell swings are a full body strength training exercise that involve swinging a weighted ball – a kettlebell – between your legs. This exercise is a great way to boost muscle strength and overall functional fitness.
Kettlebell swings are suitable for beginners and pro-exercisers alike, but it's important to perform the move correctly to prevent muscle strain and injury. This full body strength-boosting exercise involves gripping the handle of a kettlebell and using explosive power from the thighs and hips to swing the weight between the legs and up to chest height.
These swings, when done correctly, work multiple upper and lower body muscles, including:
- hamstrings
- glutes
- calves
- erector spinae
- rhomboids
- trapezius
- core
Overall, a kettlebell swing targets the posterior chain muscles in addition to engaging your abdominals, pectorals, forearms, quadriceps, and anterior deltoid muscles. It can improve your grip strength too.
Amazing benefits of kettlebell swings

Here’s a look at some of the incredible benefits of kettlebell swings:
#1 Helps develop muscles
A kettlebell swing is a form of strength training that can help you develop stronger muscles.
It's a type of anaerobic exercise that requires you to use a good amount of energy in a short time, which in turn, helps boost power and build muscles too. Studies suggest that a consistent ten weeks of kettlebell training can help improve strength and power in weightlifting exercises.
#2 Provides full body workout
Kettlebell swings target the entire posterior chain muscle, i.e., the muscles that run from the neck to the heels on the backside of the body. That includes the lower and upper body muscles like the trapezius, glutes, hamstrings, deltoids, and pectorals. All these muscles are targeted at once in kettlebell training.
#3 Improves cardiovascular fitness

If you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness, consider adding this powerful exercise to your workout routine.
A kettlebell swing engages major muscles in the body and also requires the heart to pump blood faster throughout the muscles. That, in turn, promotes healthy cardiovascular function and reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks, diabetes and strokes.
#4 Burns calories and helps with weight loss
Kettlebell exercises such as kettlebell swings are an excellent exercise to burn a lot of calories in a short time. When done regularly, it promotes fat loss and develops lean muscle mass.
The best part is that you may continue to burn more calories even after the exercise is over due to post-workout oxygen consumption. Studies suggest that kettlebell training can help you burn 20.2 calories per minute.
#5 Helps improve posture
When performing a kettlebell swing, you have to keep the spine straight and glutes and core engaged at all times.
That, in turn, trains the body to use the core muscles and strengthens the spine to give out excellent posture. Instead of rounding the back, this exercise allows you to swing the kettlebell while keeping the spine straight and pelvis neutral.
#6 Improves flexibility

As the exercise targets the posterior chain muscles, it may help the muscles become more flexible and mobile. The hip thrusting and swinging motion performed in kettlebell swings can help open the hips, strengthen the back, and lengthen the spine to make them more flexible.
Great high intensity and low impact full body exercise
Kettlebell swings have a plethora of benefits, like improved strength, muscle, power, and cardiovascular fitness. This exercise can also help manage your weight by burning calories and boosting athletic performance.
However, the most important thing is to make sure that you perform it correctly, using the right form and posture. If you plan on adding this powerful exercise to your workout routine, make sure to choose the right kettlebell weight, as the wrong one can strain the muscles and keep you away from availaing all the benefits.
If you're a beginner, it's best to choose a lighter kettlebell, as that will allow you to do the exercise with proper form.