Kombucha has been around for centuries now, but it has only gained popularity in the US in recent years as a health and energy drink. It is made by the fermentation of yeast in black tea and sugar, giving it an effervescent texture and a slightly pungent taste. It is believed to have originated in China before making its way to shelves across the globe.
This drink is believed to offer a range of health benefits, and why wouldn’t it? We know of the goodness of yogurt and kimchi for the gut, thanks to its bacteria from the fermentation process. Let’s take a look at the benefits kombucha has to offer.
7 health benefits of kombucha
We’ve gathered some of the many amazing benefits of this wonderful drink. Whether it’s provided by your neighborhood cafe or your favorite brand of tea, they all help you the same way.
1) Aids digestion
This drink is a known source of probiotics, owing to its fermented state. Probiotics are what provide your gut with the good bacteria it needs. This, in turn, improves digestion, reduces inflammation, and helps maintain overall gut health. Kombucha is a good option for people with irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Some research points towards the reduction of IBS symptoms.
2) Kills microbes
The fermentation process produces acetic acid, an acid found in vinegar. Acetic acid is said to have antimicrobial properties, i.e., it kills bacteria in the body before given a chance to be absorbed. This keeps infections away.
3) Contains antioxidants
Foods and beverages rich in antioxidants flush out toxins from the body, keeping cells and organs healthy and fighting infections.
4) Reduces the risk of heart disease
Cardiovascular disease is said to be the number one cause of death. It is most often caused by elevated cholesterol levels. Kombucha can potentially regulate cholesterol levels in the body, subsequently reducing the risk of CVD.
5) Helps manage type 2 diabetes
The drink has been found to slow down the digestion of carbs and reduce blood sugar levels in the body, especially those made with green tea. However, some brews may contain high levels of added sugar, so be sure to watch what you’re buying.
6) Maintains liver health
The antioxidant properties of this drink can promote liver health. It reduces inflammation of the liver and may even help it recover from drug-induced damage.
7) It can be made at home
The best part! You can brew your own kombucha at home and have some regularly. Having a glass a day can help with digestive processes and keep your gut healthy.
While it may take some time to develop a liking for this drink, it can prove beneficial to you in numerous ways. Experiment with flavors and find something you like. Several cafes brew their own blends these days. Moreover, entire supermarket shelves are dedicated to this drink!
Of course, several other factors play into a person’s health, including lifestyle, diet, and exercise frequency. As long as you’re taking care of your health, you’re good to go!