Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall): How This Trendy Yoga Pose Helps You Sleep Better

Legs up the wall pose has been recently trending for its benefits. (Image via Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio)
Legs up the wall pose has been recently trending for its benefits. (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Putting your legs up the wall is a tried-and-true method of Viparita Karani pose to relax the mind and revive fatigued legs after a long day at work or an even longer run.

Despite the name, you can perform Viparita Karani pose anywhere you can support your legs. Most contemporary yoga instructors concur that the legs-up-the-wall pose may treat a variety of conditions, including sleeplessness, migraines, and anxiety.

It's difficult to see how merely resting with your legs up the wall can have any positive effects on your physical or emotional well-being. However, as yogis have known for thousands of years, often the most basic poses have the most significant consequences.

Viparita Karani Benefits

Viparita karani pose. (Image credits: Freepik)
Viparita karani pose. (Image credits: Freepik)

Viparita Karani posture may be exactly what we need after a long day at the office, or truly anytime there's too much stress in the body. Check out this list of benefits:

1) Relaxes body and mind

Legs Up the Wall is an excellent way to relax and feel better. You will be able to unwind completely, let go of stress and tension, and regain balance. It can restore the body's natural ability to rest, unwind, and recover.

2) Relieves lower back tension

Yoga practice soothes your mind and reduces stress. (Image via Unsplash/Louise Vildmark)
Yoga practice soothes your mind and reduces stress. (Image via Unsplash/Louise Vildmark)

This position relaxes the lumbar region's muscles and releases pressure and tightness in this location.

In a supine position (particularly on a bed or pillow) of Viparita Karani, pressure from the spine is relieved, alleviating the back of some slight tension. To relieve back discomfort, it gently extends the neck, back, and hamstrings.

3) Helps you sleep soundly

The Viparita Karani is a very soothing position. Put your legs up in a semi-supine position, along with controlled breathing, which causes the body to slow down.

That manifests as a slower heart rate, which causes a relaxation response and lessens worry, tension, and insomnia. If you have trouble falling asleep, this pose is great to do before bed.

4) Helps relieve menstrual cramps

It's the finest treatment for easing accumulated stress and relieving leg and foot muscular spasms. The pose position also eases menstruation cramps and relaxes the pelvic muscles.

5) Improves blood circulation

With the legs up the wall pose, you may turn back the effects of gravity on the lower body and relieve swelling in your legs and feet.

For those with low blood pressure or who spend a lot of time standing during the day, the pose makes venous drainage easier and enhances lymphatic fluid flow. Elevating the legs facilitates blood flow by encouraging drainage from excess fluid accumulation and improves circulation.

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