Do you know about magnesium benefits for women? Recently, magnesium supplements have been gaining popularity and for good reason.
Although magnesium is necessary for the body to function properly, its benefits are less well-known than some other nutrients', such as calcium and vitamin C. Nevertheless, it's a good idea to be aware of magnesium and its potential benefits.
Amazing magnesium benefits for women
Magnesium is a significant mineral that's present in more than 300 enzyme systems that control critical biochemical processes in the body. Moreover, it aids in the synthesis of antioxidant glutathione, DNA and RNA and is crucial for heart and bone health.
Among the top magnesium-rich foods are almonds, spinach and cashew nuts. Your doctor can suggest taking supplements if you don't receive enough magnesium from your diet.
Check out some of the many benefits of magnesium for women:
1) Good for pregnancy
Pregnancy benefits are at the top of the list of benefits of magnesium for women.
Magnesium helps the body's tissues grow and mend when you're pregnant. Pre-eclampsia, poor fetal growth and even newborn mortality can result from severe insufficiency of magnesium during pregnancy.
The recommended daily magnesium intake for pregnant women between the ages of 19 and 30 is 350 mg. Magnesium is essential for maintaining the health of bones and teeth. Lack of magnesium during pregnancy may result in osteoporosis later.
2) Strengthening bones and muscles
Magnesium benefits for women includes strong bones and muscles. As bones contain more than half of the body's magnesium, keeping optimum magnesium level is essential for bone health.
Low levels of the mineral magnesium have been shown to affect general bone health and increase risk of bone injury, according to studies. Meanwhile, people with adequate magnesium levels typically have more resilient bones.
3) May improve PMS symptoms
We are all aware of how annoying PMS symptoms can be. What you may not realize is that there's a possibility that your PMS symptoms are related to a magnesium deficit. Magnesium benefits for women, as seen in studies, include important health advantages for people who experience PMS symptoms.
That might be because, in people who are deficient in magnesium, the fluctuating levels that occur during the menstrual cycle can exacerbate PMS symptoms. As a result, vitamins can lessen the severity of symptoms, such as migraines during menstruation.
4) Helpful during menopause
The hormones progesterone and estrogen start to diminish during menopause, which leads to the end of menstruation.
An insufficient intake of nutrients needed to manufacture hormones might exacerbate menopause symptoms. So it's important to consume saturated fats, magnesium and vitamin B6.
Women's daily dose of magnesium
Depending on the brand, intended purpose and amount of mineral you're already getting from your diet, different dosages of magnesium supplements are advised.
Unless a medical professional has instructed you otherwise, look to keep your daily magnesium consumption from supplements under 350 mg to prevent potential adverse effects like diarrhea, nausea and cramping.
Now that you know the magnesium benefits for women, include magnesium-rich foods in your diet or take supplements.