Major Rhodiola Rosea Benefits and Precautions to Take 

Rhodiola Rosea can be a miracle hub for our mental health (Image via
Rhodiola Rosea can be a miracle hub for our mental health (Image via

Also known as Rhodiola, a plant mostly found in the cold regions of Europe and Asia, Rhodiola rosea benefits are numerous. Its roots are called adaptogens, a class of natural substances known to stimulate the body's response to physical, environmental, and emotional stressors.

Because of these properties, Rhodiola rosea benefits have been numerous in traditional medicine since ancient times. This magical herb also protects the body from free radicals, which are responsible for damaging cells in the body, and also improves heart health.

People who rely on Rhodiola rosea benefits often use it to get over fatigue, anxiety, depression, stress, and other related conditions. In this article, we will discuss the major benefits of using Rhodiola as a cure, and what the precautions are that you should take.

Major Rhodiola Rosea Benefits

In Russian and Scandinavian countries, this magical herb has been used as a medicine since old times, for mental diseases related to mental illness such as anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Here are some major Rhodiola rosea benefits backed up by science:

1) May help with fatigue

Combats tiredness (Image via Pexels/Marcelo Chagas)
Combats tiredness (Image via Pexels/Marcelo Chagas)

Fatigue is a form of physical and mental tiredness which can be the result of stress, anxiety, and inadequate sleep. Due to its adaptogenic properties, Rhodiola rosea benefits is known to help alleviate fatigue.

Studies have found that using Rhodiola can help to improve the condition of fatigue in patients in just a single week.

2) May decrease stress levels

Helps reduce stress (Image via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)
Helps reduce stress (Image via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)

Rhodiola has been long known for its adaptogenic properties, and this substance increases our body's resistance to stress. Consuming Rhodiola when the mind is suffering from stress can significantly help relieve the situation. It is also known to alleviate the symptoms of burnout, which can cause chronic stress.

3) Helps with stress-induced eating disorders

Aids in fighting stress-eating (Image via Pexels/Horizon Content)
Aids in fighting stress-eating (Image via Pexels/Horizon Content)

Rhodiola is known for salidroside, which is known to treat conditions such as binge eating. Studies done on rats have shown that dry extract of Rhodiola rosea benefits has significantly helped with binge eating in animals. Hence, this can be a way to cure patients suffering from eating disorders.

4) Improves physical and mental performance

Improves your performance (Image via Pexels/Anna Shvets)
Improves your performance (Image via Pexels/Anna Shvets)

Some people take advantage of Rhodiola rosea benefits to enhance their physical performance before their workout sessions to improve their focus and thinking.

Known for improving focus and clearing the mind, this can be an effective addition to the regime of athletes. However, more conclusive studies are required in this case.

5) Helps treat depression and anxiety

Treats depression and anxiety (Image via Pexels/Andrew Neel)
Treats depression and anxiety (Image via Pexels/Andrew Neel)

Studies have found that Rhodiola rosea helps to reduce the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Though its effects are mild, there is also evidence that it may reduce the symptoms of depression. Rhodiola is suitable as the treatment for mild to moderate depression.

6) May improve brain function

Enhances brain function (Image via Pexels/Google DeepMind)
Enhances brain function (Image via Pexels/Google DeepMind)

Exercise, well-balanced nutrition, and good sleep are very essential for the well functioning of our brain. Studies have shown that supplements such as rhodiola have been found to improve brain function in mice.

In fact, it suggested that Rhodiola can become a very good tool to increase cognition and counteract mood disorders in people.

7) Helps prevent diabetes

Controls diabetes (Image via Pexels/PhotoMIX Company)
Controls diabetes (Image via Pexels/PhotoMIX Company)

People suffer from diabetes when the body develops a reduced ability to produce or regulate insulin levels, which results in high blood sugar levels. Patients suffering from diabetes, use external insulin injections or medications to increase insulin sensitivity. The salidroside compound present in Rhodiola has been shown to help the body protect against diabetes.

Rhodiola Rosea Side Effects

While researchers say that Rhodiola is safe for including in our diets, however, certain precautions should be taken before consuming this herb. It should not be considered as a supplement or a drug that can completely cure a disease. Hence, this should not be relied on primarily to address any medical concern.

It may also have a few negative side effects. There are greater chances of side effects if Rhodiola is impure or combined with other herbs. If you are already under some medications, then consuming Rhodiola can interact with them, and aggravate other medical conditions.

Before buying this supplement from the market, one should always check for its purity, and evaluate the source very carefully. Minors and pregnant people can be much more vulnerable to its side effects. Hence, it is always wise to consult a medical professional before incorporating it into your lifestyle.

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