James McCaffrey, renowned for his roles as the lead voice in the video game series Max Payne and as the star of Rescue Me passed away on Sunday, December 17, at the age of 65. Actor Kevin Dillon, friend of McCaffrey's, shared a picture of the two holding hands on Sunday night to confirm the news.
Kevin wrote,
“we were lucky to have known you. My best friend you will be missed.”
According to Variety, James McCaffrey's manager confirmed that the actor had received a cancer diagnosis prior to his passing. His wife, fellow actor Rochelle Boström, confirmed that the actor had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a kind of blood cancer.
What is the multiple myeloma that caused James McCaffrey's death?
James McCaffrey's cause of death is being reported as multiple myeloma. According to Myeloma Canada and the Canadian Cancer Society, multiple myeloma, often known as myeloma, is a kind of blood cancer linked to the aberrant behavior of plasma cells, which are white blood cells responsible for producing antibodies.
As per the Mayo Clinic, tumorous plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma. The soft material that lies inside bones and is used to make red blood cells is called bone marrow. Healthy blood cells are displaced by cancer cells in the bone marrow. It is the malfunctioning proteins that the cancer cells produce instead of beneficial antibodies. As a result, numerous myeloma problems arise.
Symptoms of multiple myeloma
Different people may experience different symptoms from multiple myeloma, and each person may experience different combinations and intensities of symptoms. The following are a few typical multiple myeloma symptoms:
Bone pain: This is a typical complaint, particularly in the hips, chest, and spine. Moving around may make this pain harsher and more persistent.
Fatigue: Two frequent symptoms of multiple myeloma are weariness and generalized weakness. A decrease in red blood cells, or anemia, may be a factor in weariness.
Weight loss: The disease's effects on the body may cause unintentional weight loss.
Constipation and nausea: These symptoms might be brought on by the disease's impact on the digestive system or by the adverse effects of some prescription drugs.
Effects on the Nervous System: Multiple myeloma can occasionally impact the nerves, resulting in symptoms including weakness, tingling, or numbness, especially in the limbs.
Multiple myeloma treatment
Multiple myeloma treatment is based on a number of variables, such as the disease's stage, the patient's general health, and personal traits. The objectives of treatment include symptom reduction, managing complications, delaying the disease's development, and enhancing quality of life. The following are typical methods of treating multiple myeloma:
Chemotherapy: To eradicate or suppress cancer cells, medications are used in chemotherapy. Different chemotherapy regimens can be applied, and medication combinations are frequently utilized to address different elements of the disease.
Stem cell transplantation: For patients who meet the eligibility requirements, high-dose chemotherapy may be followed by an autologous stem cell transplant. The goal of this process is to use healthy stem cells to replace any damaged or malignant cells.
Targeted therapies: Myeloma cells are the specific target of monoclonal antibodies, like daratumumab and elotuzumab, which assist the immune system in identifying and eliminating them.
Radiation therapy: If bone lesions are causing discomfort or increasing the risk of fractures, localized radiation therapy may be utilized to target specific myeloma-affected sites.
James McCaffrey is survived by his wife and daughter Tiernan McCaffrey. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the near and dear ones.