In a devastating incident at Tuckerman Ravine on Mount Washington, Madie Saltsburg, a 20-year-old UVM student (University of Vermont)), lost her life after falling 600 feet during a backcountry skiing trip.
Saltsburg, hailed as a "star" in UVM's Army ROTC program, was majoring in agroecology and landscape design within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Erica Caloeiro, UVM’s vice provost of student affairs, conveyed the university's profound loss in a message to the community, acknowledging Saltsburg's significant contributions to the ROTC and her vibrant presence on campus.
"Her passing is profoundly felt, and our hearts are with Madie’s friends and family, especially her beloved parents and ROTC community," Caloeiro stated.
Saltsburg's leadership qualities were not just limited to academics, she also served as the president of the Green Mountain Battalion and Mountaineering Club during her sophomore year, showcasing her passion for the outdoors.
UVM student's cause of death
Saltsburg's tragic fall was reported by the U.S. Forest Service, which noted the challenging conditions faced by the skiers on Saturday, including hard, icy snow surfaces, open crevasse holes, and unforgiving conditions.
These hazardous conditions led to traumatic injuries for two other skiers and multiple falls throughout the day, although without serious injuries for the others involved.
The search and rescue operations extended into the night, hindered by heavy snow and wind, highlighting the treacherous conditions the rescuers and skiers faced. Despite the risks, Tuckerman Ravine remains a sought-after destination for skiing enthusiasts, particularly as the snow softens under the spring sun.
Reflecting on her involvement in ROTC, a Facebook post detailed UVM student Saltsburg's motivations for joining the program were new life experiences and for the leadership opportunities, underscoring her drive and commitment to her personal and professional development.
Her engagement extended beyond ROTC; she was also a part of the UVM Reformed University Fellowship, engaging in various outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and climbing.
UVM's statement, reflecting on the tragedy, highlighted the impact of UVM student Saltsburg's death on the campus community:
"Our campus community is deeply saddened to learn of the death of one of our students, Madie Saltsburg, a junior from Pennsylvania. Our sincere thoughts are with Madie’s family and friends during this difficult time."
The university has pledged to provide resources to those affected by the tragedy, emphasizing the importance of community support and emotional well-being during such difficult times.
Caloeiro encouraged students, especially those away for spring break, to prioritize their emotional health and seek support through UVM’s Counseling and Psychiatry Services.
UVM student Madie Saltsburg's untimely death has left a void in the UVM community, where she was revered for her leadership, athleticism, and dedication to mentorship among her fellow cadets.
The UVM student's passion for the outdoors and commitment to excellence in all facets of her life will be dearly missed by her friends, family, and the UVM ROTC community.