Fans of "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" had to undergo an unexpected disruption in their late-night entertainment regime when the beloved host of the show, required a break due to a recent health scare.
In November last year, Colbert shared the news with his fans. His appendix ruptured over the Thanksgiving weekend. Due to this medical hiccup, all shows for the week starting November 27 were called off.
Colbert shared the details on Instagram, letting his fans know he was coming back on the show post-surgery.
"I have to cancel our shows this week," Colbert wrote.
"I’m recovering from surgery for a ruptured appendix. I’m grateful to my doctors for their care, and to Evie and the kids for putting up with me. All emails to my appendix will be handled by my pancreas henceforth," he added.
The news instantly created a wave of well-wishes expressing their concern and extending their support for Colbert's swift recovery.
The incident, however, is not the first health issue to have troubled Stephen Colbert in recent months. The television host had to cancel several shows in mid-October while recovering from an encounter with COVID-19. Initially, Colbert chose to host The Late Show from his home. However, he eventually had to halt all episodes for the week of October 16.
What exactly is appendicitis?
For people who are not aware, appendicitis is when your appendix gets inflamed. If you shrug it off, the swollen appendix may blow up or tear, leading to something called peritonitis. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine says peritonitis can cause the inside of your stomach to become red and puffy. Usually, this happens when bacteria slide through a break in your tummy tube.
Treatment for peritonitis, according to the Mayo Clinic, usually requires hospitalization and might involve antibiotics, pain medications, fluid administration via an IV tube, and in some instances, surgery to repair the condition.
As for Colbert's current status, there's no immediate “return-to-show” date specified. An update from him on December 4 informed fans that he'd be taking another week off. He mentioned:
"I'm listening to my doctors and continuing to rest and heal. Thank you for all your well wishes and I'll see you soon."
Responses from fans include genuine statements of shared concern and patience. Multiple fans on social media platforms stated that although they did miss his presence, they emphasize the importance of his health over the work.
However, Stephen Colbert, the comedic genius, made a much-anticipated return to his sought-after late-night talk show. This comes on the heels of a three-week hiatus during which he recovered from an incident of a ruptured appendix.