Renowned rapper Kanye West, recently legally known as 'Ye,' is famously unpredictable, routinely making headlines due to his music, personal life and unique aesthetic choices. This time, it's about his teeth.
He has opted for no ordinary set of pearly whites. Ye has gone for a heavyweight grin with a set of titanium dentures carrying an eye-watering price tag of $850,000.
Experimental dentistry behind Kanye West’s titanium dentures
What do you imagine when thinking about these high-cost dentures? It's not about grills or veneers like you often hear about among stars.
Ye is raising the dental bar with his permanent teeth, the result of what is called 'experimental dentistry'. This intimidating term implies exploring cutting-edge techniques in dental healthcare, not yet common practice.
West, acting as his own creative director, worked with "Father of Diamond Dentistry" Dr. Thomas Connelly to create a unique dental solution for himself. The process doesn't just involve titanium but also includes other expensive metals like palladium and platinum to deliver a truly 21st-century smile.
Kanye West's teeth transformation didn’t mean the removal of his own teeth. The titanium dentures were cleverly fitted onto his existing teeth. There was no sacrifice of his natural teeth for the outstanding assemblage.
Ye shared his dazzling new smile with his army of followers on Instagram. He compared his dental change to the James Bond villain Jaws - famed for sporting the feared metal teeth.
This isn’t Kanye West's first journey into dental modification. In 2010, he surprised everyone by announcing his bottom teeth replacement with diamonds during an episode of "The Ellen DeGeneres Show". When asked why he did it, Ye's simple response was:
"I just thought that diamonds were cooler."
North West, Ye's daughter with Kim Kardashian, seems to be following her father's footsteps.
A recent addition to her TikTok account showed North West sporting her own shiny diamond grill. This grill that covered four of her bottom teeth appears similar to the one her mother, Kim Kardashian, showed off in March 2021.
So, what inspired Kanye West to take such an expensive dental route? Being a man who isn’t shy about standing out from the crowd, the aesthetic choice seems to echo his reputation for thinking outside the box creatively.
Indeed, celebrating one's unique style might sometimes means walking an extra mile — or in this case — flashing an $850,000 smile.
As people everywhere take notice of Ye's novel approach to dental aesthetics, they're met with an experience that echoes more than just the waving of a new dental fad.
It layers on the insight of just how celebrities, like Ye, navigate their public persona, often pushing boundaries not just musically, but aesthetically as well.
Whether Kanye West's new teeth spark your curiosity or leave you confused, they confirm one thing: every aspect of Ye's persona, including his grin, is as unique as the man himself.
His latest accessory exemplifies an intersection of fashion and dental science. It further ignites discussions about where the limit in personal expression truly lies in modern times — even if it means flashing an $850,000 smile.