Nick Walker, aka The Mutant, is an American bodybuilder in the Open Division of the IFBB Pro league. Within a year of securing his pro card in 2020, the 27-year-old won the Arnold Classic and the New York Pro in 2021.
Walker is training rigorously for the upcoming 2022 Olympia - intending to win the event - and is working on exercises for each muscle. He started his Olympia preparations in August and has been sharing his training routine with fans.
A few weeks back, Walker uploaded a video of his arm and shoulder workout, where he was seen training with 2019 Olympia Champion Kamal Elgargni. The Arnold Classic champion has taken to YouTube to share his latest leg workout. In the video, Walker is seen training with Brett Wilkin aka 'The Butcher'.
Wilkin is an IFBB pro bodybuilder in the Classic Physique division who competed in the 212 division at the Puerto Rico Pro and Toronto Pro in 2019. He earned sixth and tenth-placed finishes respectively in the two events.
Wilkin then took a two-year break from the competition and made his comeback at the 2021 Chicago Pro, where he finished second. He last competed in the 2022 Arnold Classic, where he bagged sixth place.
Nick Walker and Brett Wilkin’s Leg Day Workout
In the video, Walker and Wilkin are seen performing some quad-focused high-intensity leg exercises as part of their 2022 Olympia preparations.
Here’s a closer look at the duo’s leg workout:
Machine Hip Adduction
The IFBB pro bodybuilders start their leg training with a few sets of machine hip adductions to warm up and activate their hip muscles. This exercise charges up their leg muscles for the other workouts to follow.
Lying Hamstring Curl
The bodybuilder duo next performs a few reps of lying hamstring curls to activate their hamstrings and knee joints. This exercise helps enhance lower body mobility and also builds strength to perform heavier exercises.
They perform a few sets of this exercise, and in the last set, Walker carries out the eccentric phase of the movement with controlled and steady motions.
Leg Press
After sufficiently warming up with machine hip adduction and lying hamstring curls, Walker and Wilkin increase the intensity of their exercises and start working on their quads.
They perform a few good reps of leg press and go up to the top set with 16 plates. They spot each other finishing the exercise before jumping onto the next workout.
Pendulum Squat
After doing leg press, the duo perform the second quad exercise of their leg day, which is a pendulum squat. The pendulum squat machine helps isolate the hamstrings and quads, depending on the foot placement of the exerciser. The bodybuilders get a few sets of this exercise and switch to the next one.
V-squat on the Machine
Walker and Wilkin next take to the V-squat on the machine to work on their lower body muscles.
Although V-squats look similar to hack squats, they are different and target different muscles. While V-squats work on entire lower body strength and are less stressful on the joints, hack squats primarily work the quads and isolate the muscles.
The duo perform a few sets of V-squats on the machine and then go on to do their last workout of the day.
Leg Extension
Leg extensions are the last exercise of Walker and Wilkin's leg day workout. They perform a few reps of this exercise to boost their quad development to wrap up for the day.
You can watch Nick Walker and Brett Wilkin’s leg workout video here.