If you're in search of a full body workout that takes 30 minutes and requires no equipment, look no further.
Here are a few full body workouts that can get your heart pumping and challenge every muscle in your body.
Best Full Body Workout in 30 Minutes
Here's a look at five such exercises:
1) Squat
Squats are a great full body workout you can do with or without equipment. This exercise is an amazing way to build muscle, burn fat, and shape the legs, glutes, and core.
If you’re just starting out with fitness, squats are a great place to start, as they use many muscles in the lower body at once. They might seem intimidating, but don’t worry – we have some easy tips for mastering them in no time:
- The basic squat is performed by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Lower yourself till your thighs are parallel to the floor (or as close as possible).
- Press through your heels, and return to the starting position.
- Repeat 20 times for one set of 20 reps or two sets of ten reps each time you do squats throughout the day.
2) Lunge
Lunges are another great full body exercise that can be done without any equipment.
To do a lunge, take a big step forward with one foot, and lower yourself down tillyour back knee is almost touching the floor, Make sure to keep your front knee over (not in front of) your toes.
If you're new to lunges or have bad knees, try using a chair or bench for support when doing them so that they don't cause pain. Make sure to switch your legs after each rep.
3) Push-up
Push-ups are the most common bodyweight workout. They work thechest, shoulders, and triceps.
To do a push-up:
- Place your hands on the floor with your palms facing down and about shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Lower yourself toward the ground till your chest nearly touches it.
- Without pausing at the bottom, push yourself back up to the starting position by extending your arms straight out so that only your feet remain in contact with the ground for balance, if you need it to complete one rep.
- You should do 10-20 reps per set depending on how many sets you perform in total and three sets will be enough if all else fails.
4) Plank
A plank is an exercise where you hold your body in a straight line from head to toe, with the core muscles engaged. It's important to keep your back flat throughout the exercise as well as keep the core tight and not allow it to sag in the middle.
To perform a standard plank:
- Get into position on all fours with feet hip-width apart and hands directly below shoulders.
- Lift yourself up so that the body forms one long line from the knees to the shoulders.
- Your face should be looking at the ground, with ears aligned over shoulders and navel aligned over hips.
- Hold the position for as long as possible (the average time is around one minute).
- If you can't manage even 30 seconds, try resting halfway through rather than just dropping out of it altogether. You will still get some benefits from this modified version.
5) Burpee
Burpees are one of the most effective full body workouts you can do. They’re simple, but they require serious muscle strength and endurance. If you have no equipment and only 30 minutes to work out, burpees are a great option.
A burpee is a challenging full body exercise that works the arms, chest, legs, and core muscles while also improving cardiovascular endurance.
- The movement involves squatting down into a plank position (as if doing a pushup) and jumping your feet back towards your hands so that you end up in a plank position with your legs together on the floor instead of between them, like before.
- Stand up by bringing your feet underneath yourself again before dropping back into another squat position and repeating to complete one rep.
- You can do them as fast or slow as needed according to how much time or energy you have.
There you have it, the best full body workouts that can be done in 30 minutes. These workouts canhelp tone your muscles and increase strength. You can do these exercises at home without any equipment, so you don't have any excuses to not get started right away.