Nyctophobia, also known as scotophobia, is an intense fear of nighttime or darkness. It's a pretty common condition, usually observed in children, but can also have a significant impact on individuals of all age groups.
The fear of nighttime is a very real and demanding condition that can notably affect a person's life. Although, with the necessary treatment plans and support, it's very much possible to outgrow this fear and re-establish a sense of calm and confidence whenever being in the dark.
What is nyctophobia?

Nyctophobia is the fear of what gives many of us jitters: darkness. People who face this phobia usually feel very anxious or dreadful when faced to darkness or after the sun sets. It's one of the common types of phobias individuals experience.
It's completely natural for human beings to have butterflies in the stomach about the unknown nature of darkness. However, this phobia takes this fearfulness to another level, which causes notable distress and interferes with daily life.
Nyctophobia symptoms

Individuals with this condition may go through a series of symptoms when faced with darkness or nighttime circumstances.
These signs can be very distressing and can lead to avoidance of circumstances involving darkness, which can affect one's daily functions. These symptoms can include:
- Unexpected and overwhelming sense of extreme fear or terror
- Sudden increase in heart rate and palpitations
- Excessive sweating, usually accompanied by moist skin
- Breathing challenges or a sense of choking
- Extreme physical trembling or shivering
- Upset stomach or feeling nauseous
- Certain people may even start crying or shouting in response to their fear
- An intense need to avoid dark spaces or nighttime situations
Nyctophobia causes: Where does it stem from?

The specific cause of nyctophobia may vary from one person to another, but there are multiple factors that can contribute to its evolution. A past traumatic life event, like being stuck in the dark or going through a terrifying situation at night can trigger this condition.
Certain people may have a genetic susceptibility to anxiety disorders, which may involve phobias. Overactive imagination, especially in children, can lead to irrational feelings of terror of what may lurk in the dark.
Prolonged exposure to paranormal films, stories or footages related to darkness can aggravate or trigger this phobia in certain cases. Growing in surroundings where fear of nighttime is reinforced or promoted may also contribute to the rise of this condition.
Nyctophobia treatment: Can I get help for my fears?

Nyctophobia is very much treatable, and people who seek assistance can overcome their fears.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is an extremely potent approach to nyctophobia treatment. Therapists help people recognise and challenge their irrational thought pattern about darkness, slowly exposing them to controlled scenarios that involve darkness to lower their fears.
Exposure therapy consists of gradually confronting one's fear of darkness in a controlled environment. It can help desensitize people to their terrors and lower the anxiety associated with it over time.
In certain cases, medication can be prescribed to cope with the symptoms, specifically if they're acute. That's thought of when therapy by itself isn't too effective.
Getting to know various relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, can aid people to manage anxiety revolving around phobia.
Meeting support groups or seeking help from loved ones can offer emotional support and encouragement in the the treatment process.
If you or someone you're aware of is experiencing symptoms of nyctophobia, do not resist from seeking assistance from a qualified mental health professional who can help you get over this overwhelming fear. Know that, you're never alone. There's always hope for a brighter and fear-free you.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.
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