The upright row is one of the most common exercises performed by athletes, bodybuilders and celebrities to develop the upper body which includes shoulders, trapezius and rotator cuff muscles. However, this exercise has become very controversial and hotly debated in the fitness community. The reason being is that the upright row can cause shoulder impingement and is also bad for your wrists.
Now, if you look at the movement of the exercise, when you elevate, the shoulder gets into internal rotation, where the elbows are high and hands are holding the weight and in this position the tendon of the supraspinatus which is the rotator cuff muscle will rub against bone of the shoulder which can lead to impingement.
Physiotherapists will put you in the same position as the upright row to test for shoulder impingement. So, you do not want to do exercises like the upright row that depicts an impingement test.
What does research say?
A 2014 study looked into shoulder exercise and selection among 77 weight training participants, the study showed there was a high probability of shoulder impingement among participants who performed the upright rows, thereby, reinforcing the point that there is a high correlation between shoulder impingement and upright rows.
A 2011 study by National Strength and Conditioning Association asserts the same theory, elevating the arms above the shoulder height while internally rotated violates normal biomechanics as done with the upright row may directly cause sub-acromial impingement or perpetuate the impingement.
The upright row is a high-risk exercise which puts your shoulder in a compromising position and it best to avoid it. You can perform other exercises that target the same muscle groups like the side lateral raise, face-pulls and seated cable row.
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