Are your periods getting shorter and lighter than usual? Well, there could be numerous reasons behind it.
A lighter menstrual cycle is not usually a cause for concern as it can be part of your cycle’s variation. But it is important to get it treated at the right time to prevent other health conditions.
Lighter period blood can be pink, brownish, or red and may also not involve pain and cramps, though it can vary from one woman to another.
This article discusses seven major reasons why are your periods getting shorter and lighter than usual.
7 major causes of periods getting shorter and lighter
Period won't stop but it's light? If your period is no longer than usual but light, it can sometimes be a symptom of certain medical conditions or hormonal shifts. It can also happen due to excessive stress, weight gain or weight loss. It can be a sign of pregnancy, too.
Here are the potential causes of a shorter and lighter period:
1. Medical conditions
Certain medical conditions can be a potential cause of periods getting shorter and lighter. Several conditions can affect a woman’s hormones and also cause fluctuations in their menstrual cycle. These may include, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Cushing’s syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, and perimenopause.
2. Changes in body weight
Gaining or losing sudden weight can potentially affect your menstrual cycle and lead to periods getting shorter and lighter. This is because when you gain a sudden weight, the fat in your body affects the hormone levels leading to fluctuations and imbalance.
Similarly, rapid weight loss can cause hormonal imbalance, making your periods lighter or shorter.
3. Birth control
Birth controls such as IUDs and pills can also lead to periods getting shorter and lighter, and for many women, this is not uncommon. Several birth control options maintain the lining of the uterus and prevent the fertilized eggs from functioning further. This, in return, results in lighter and shorter periods.
If you are concerned about birth control, you can opt for other options such as a non-hormonal IUD device or external or internal condoms. These options are less likely to affect your menstrual cycle.
4. Stress
Excessive stress can have an impact on your periods and disturb your menstrual cycle. Stress, physical or emotional can take a toll on your overall health and affect your periods. However, taking effective steps to manage stress can certainly help your periods return to normal.
5. Anovulation
Anovulation is a condition when your body does not release an egg, and this could be a potential cause of periods getting shorter and lighter. Anovulation leads to irregular periods with a lighter flow and also causes problems in conceiving.
6. Age
Age is also a big factor that causes periods to become lighter and shorter, and sometimes, it can also mean that you are pre-menopausal. Pre-menopause doesn’t mean that you can’t get pregnant, but the chances of getting pregnant get low.
7. Pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most likely causes of periods getting shorter and lighter. While one of the major indications of pregnancy is missing your period, sometimes women experience bleeding when they are pregnant.
In some cases, spotting can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy that can be very harmful or a light period can be mistaken for implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is a light spotting that occurs when the egg gets attached to the uterine lining.
Having a light and short period is usually not considered something dangerous, but if you consistently experience light periods or your periods won’t come altogether, then it's important to consult a doctor immediately.
You should also talk to a doctor if you experience other symptoms with light periods. These include pelvic pain, vomiting, or abdominal pain.