If you are a novice and wondering how to start Pilates, our list of "Pilates for Beginners" exercises is the best way for you to figure out your journey.
Looking for greater strength and flexiblity? Our simple "Pilates for Beginners" workout can be done anywhere, with just a yoga mat. Pilates is a method of exercise that emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and proper posture through a series of slow, controlled movements.
These exercises are designed to strengthen the core and the entire body without adding unnecessary bulk. A lean, well-toned physique is the end result. The controlled movements of Pilates not only strengthen your abs and back, but also help to correct poor posture.

Pilates for Beginners: 5 Exercises to Try
Check out the following "Pilates for Beginners" exercises that are simple and easy to get you started. You can also check out these at-home Pilates workouts for all levels.
1) Teaser
Our "Pilates for Beginners" series starts you off with this amazing exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles and hip flexors while also improving balance.
Here's how to do it:
- Extend your arms overhead while lying on your back.
- Raise your legs to an angle of 45 degrees, with your feet pointing toward the wall's ceiling junction.
- Curl your spine off the mat into a V shape, keeping your arms extended in front of you and your legs at right angles, and giving yourself a deep exhale as you do so.
- Extend your spine, pause, and slowly return to the starting position by reversing the motion.
- Perform 3 reps.

2) The Hundred
This one is a staple in any list of "Pilates for Beginners" exercises. This classic Pilates movement is great for getting the blood flowing and for toning the abdominal muscles.
Additionally, it is a great exercise to begin working on intercostal breathing (breathing in through the chest while drawing the navel in towards the spine). This will teach you how even simple deep breathing can engage your abdominal muscles.
Here's how you can do it:
- Lay on your back with your legs spread apart at a 45-degree angle.
- Lift your head and upper back off the floor by contracting your ab muscles.
- Hold your arms out to the sides of your body.
- Start raising and lowering your arms in unison as you breathe in and out.
- One complete cycle consists of an inhalation lasting exactly five counts and an exhalation lasts exactly five counts. Perform 10 repetitions.
3) Single Leg Kick
Now that you have done some upper body exercises, let's get you some lower body action as well. The next exercise on our list of "Pilates for Beginners" is the single leg kick that will help you strengthen your glutes and hamstrings as well as stretch your hip flexors and quadriceps.
Here's how you can do it:
- In this position, you'll lie on your stomach and support yourself with your forearms, elbows, and shoulders all in a straight line.
- As you let your breath out, tighten your abs and the muscles at the back of your legs, making sure your knees stay bent and your feet facing forward.
- To do this, bend your left knee, take a deep breath in, and lift your lower leg off the mat, bringing it in toward your buttock with two short, sharp jerks. Professionals caution against bending too far forward, saying that it can cause pain in the lower back.
- Repeatedly extend the leg.
- Exercise each leg for six times.

4) Single Leg Circle
The next exercise in our "Pilates for Beginners" list is the single leg circle, that will help you build strength in your pelvic floor and increase flexibility in your hips and hamstrings. Transverse abdominals help you keep your hips stable, so your leg can move freely inside the joint.
Here's how you can do this move:
- Position yourself in a prone position with your arms at your sides.
- Pull your right knee into your chest as you exhale, then inhale and straighten your leg.
- Flex your left ankle and point your toes toward the ceiling.
- To perform this, tighten your abdominal muscles and press your lower back down into the mat.
- Breathe out as you arc your right leg so that it's about a foot off the ground as you bring it across your body.
- At the end of the arc, take a deep breath in and return your leg to the starting position in a straight line. Carry out six repetitions on each leg.
5) The Saw
The final exercise in our list of "Pilates for Beginners" exercises is The Saw, which targets the much-ignored obliques muscles. Working your obliques, waist, hamstrings, and adductors with this exercise will help you get in shape and feel in control of your body.
Here's how you can do it:
- Maintain a good posture by sitting up straight with your legs spread wider than your shoulders.
- Stretch out your arms, palms facing inward.
- Tensing your abs, turn your upper body to the right, so that your right arm is behind you and your left is in front.
- Exhale, flex at the hips, and reach your left arm toward the right foot while rotating your back hand so that the thumb points down.
- Exhale as you rise and come back to your centre.
- Make sure to do six reps on each side.

Perform the aforementioned "Pilates for Beginners" exercises at least four times a week to start off your Pilates training. After that, you can incorporate other more advanced workouts as you progress. For more exercises, check out these Pilates exercises for effective weight loss.