Play therapy for adults? Here’s what the science says

Play therapy is not only for children and can be especially useful for adults. (Image via vecteezy/ Boban Efteski)
Play therapy is not only for children and can be especially useful for adults. (Image via vecteezy/Boban Efteski)

Play therapy is a transformative way of personal healing that does not depend on talking about or articulating your experiences. All work and no play make adults dull, and even psychological science supports that. This unique process works as effectively on adults as it does on children.

It utilizes the potential of imagination, creativity and playfulness. Play therapy provides a very special way in which people can express, explore and heal themselves. It's a non-judgmental and non-intrusive way of exploring your inner world.

Inner healing does not have to be laborious. Children are naturally playful, and they often use this for their own healing. Adults should also start embracing this quality and allow their inner healing to flower.

What is play therapy for adults, and what is its role in mental health?

Play is for all and not for someone of a particular age. (Image via Vecteezy/Alem Omerovic)
Play is for all and not for someone of a particular age. (Image via Vecteezy/Alem Omerovic)

Play therapy is a therapeutic approach that embraces playfulness as a tool for communication as well as healing. It's like discovering a new language. Instead of words, games and creativity are the new language.

Typically made for children, it's a unique way of expressing their thoughts and emotions in a safe, non-verbal environment. It was conceptualized when mental health professionals found that a lot of children don't open up, even when going through a lot of turmoil.

While play therapy is typically employed for children, it's equally beneficial for adults as well. Imagine a space where you could let out all of your conflicts, feelings and traumatic memories without uttering a single word. With the help of this process, it can become a living reality for adults.

Exploring play therapy techniques

There are many tools that can help you heal internally without making it obvious. (Image via Vecteezy/Benis Arapovic)
There are many tools that can help you heal internally without making it obvious. (Image via Vecteezy/Benis Arapovic)

The tools and techniques available for children can also be used with adults. Here are some of the most typical ones that anyone of any age can use:

#1 Using the sand tray

This unique technique consists of using a tray that's filled with sand and tiny figurines.

The clients arrange these figurines on the sand to form unique stories and scenarios. This particular play of constantly arranging the elements digs out deep-rooted feelings and inner conflicts.

#2 Play with art

If you wish to excites yourself, a powerful means is creating art. Clients make use of art therapy and use tools to paint, draw or even sculpt their inner emotions and experiences. That allows them to explore their inner selves in a visual manner.

#3 Use of puppets and toys

Play is fun and an excellent way of establishing connection. (Image via Freepik/Vecstock)
Play is fun and an excellent way of establishing connection. (Image via Freepik/Vecstock)

Puppets are an effective means to communicate deep-rooted thoughts and feelings.

Clients make use of them to enact real-life scenarios or conversations, which results in creating a distance between them and their inner battles. You may have seen children having real conversations with their toys. That's how they learn how to bond with others.

#4 Movement and music

Music and movements work as a medium to effectively express oneself and are one of the easiest methods for self-reflection.

Dancing, playing drums or even singing can bring about an immediate sense of ease and relief and help with pimpled-up emotional baggage.

#5 Use of stories

Storytelling can also serve as a great tool to help clients restructure their inner dialogues. By developing and acting out stories, people can gain new insights into their life experiences.

Play therapy is a very simple yet highly effective path towards self-healing. A sense of playfulness goes beyond words, thoughts and feelings and empowers people to face their inner selves.

In play therapy, rediscovering oneself and healing are not just possible but are within the reach of anyone. It's for anyone who wants to have fun and is not ready to start talk therapy yet.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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