The power snatch is a popular Olympic weightlifting exercise that has been gaining popularity due to its effectiveness in improving power, speed and strength.
It involves lifting a barbell from the floor to overhead in one swift motion, making it a challenging and demanding exercise that requires excellent technique and form. In this article, we discuss the benefits of the power snatch exercise, how to do it correctly and why it's a valuable addition to any fitness routine.
Benefits of power snatch exercise
Improves explosive power: The snatch exercise is a great way to increase explosive power and speed.
It requires a significant amount of force to lift the barbell from the ground to overhead, making it an excellent choice for athletes who need to generate explosive power in their sport.
Builds strength: The snatch exercise is a full body workout that targets several muscle groups, including the legs, hips, back, shoulders and arms. That makes it an effective exercise for building overall strength and muscle mass.
Enhances coordination and balance: The power snatch requires excellent coordination and balance to execute correctly.
Doing this exercise can improve these skills, making it an excellent choice for athletes who need to perform complex movements quickly and efficiently.
Improves mobility and flexibility: The power snatch exercise requires a significant amount of mobility and flexibility in the hips, shoulders and wrists. Regular practice of this exercise can help improve these areas, reducing risk of injury and improving overall range of motion.
How to do snatch?

Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart, with the barbell on the ground in front. Grip the barbell with hands shoulder-width apart and palms facing down.
Lower yourself into a squat position, keeping the back straight and chest up. The barbell should be close to the shins and weight should be evenly distributed across the feet.
Drive through the legs and hips, extending the knees and hips to lift the barbell off the ground. As you do that, pull the barbell towards you, keeping it close to the thighs.
When the barbell reaches the hips, jump upwards, and extend the arms to lift the barbell overhead. As you do that, pull your body underneath the barbell, lowering into a partial squat position.
Stand up straight with the barbell overhead, keeping the arms extended. Lower the barbell back to the starting position, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Tips for performing power snatch exercise
Start with a light weight: The power snatch exercise requires excellent technique and form to execute correctly. It's essential to use a light weight like a kettlebell and practice the exercise before increasing the weight.
Keep your back straight: The snatch exercise requires you to maintain a straight back throughout the movement. That helps prevent injury and ensures that you're using the correct muscles.
Use your legs and hips: The snatch exercise is a full body workout that requires you to use your legs and hips to generate power. Make sure to drive through these areas, and avoid using your arms to lift the barbell.
Practice proper form: The power snatch exercise requires proper form and technique to execute correctly. It's important to practice the exercise regularly, and seek guidance from a qualified trainer, if necessary.
Why power snatch is valuable addition to any fitness routine?

The snatch exercise is an effective way to improve power, speed, strength, coordination and balance.
It's a challenging exercise that requires excellent technique and form, making it a valuable addition to any fitness routine. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve your performance or a fitness enthusiast looking to build strength and muscle mass, the power snatch exercise can help you achieve your fitness goals.
Apart from its physical benefits, the power snatch exercise also provides a mental challenge. It requires focus, concentration and discipline to execute correctly, making it a valuable tool for developing mental toughness and resilience.
It's also a popular exercise in CrossFit, a high intensity fitness programme that incorporates a wide variety of exercises and workouts. CrossFit athletes often use the power snatch exercise as part of their training to improve their performance in competitions.
The snatch exercise is a challenging and effective way to improve power, speed, strength, coordination and balance.
It requires excellent technique and form to do it correctly, making it a valuable addition to any fitness routine. Whether you're an athlete or a fitness enthusiast, incorporating the snatch exercise into your workout routine can help you achieve your fitness goals and develop mental toughness and resilience.